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Potash use

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    Potash use

    Just was doing some thinking and not sure if any sources of info are out there. We know that if N costs are high Americans tend to plant less corn and more soybean. Now Potash is high, will that swing acres anywhere in the world? Perhaps something we should look at.

    Maybe revisit the issue of do i really need potash ?. I like foliar's since they ar 8:1 or even 10:1 over soil application. So one pound foliar applied is equal to 8-10 pound in the ground. Potash is very high on the salt index so depending how healthy your soil is would depend on how much you should use. Check in to see if you can find a good source of foliar potassium. Might keep your costs in check. It may even pay to put a little in the ground a some foliar. Or even cut back on the potash do a tissue sample and top if your plants are low in potassium. A penny saved is a penny earned.


      We have not been using potash here much but have for better disease, we thought we had better disease tollerance on the barley is that possible AgGuy? I think we thought it was from the Sodium in the Potash and not the K itself, Possible?
      Well the thread is intended to ponder if there are any acreage swings to different crops in other parts of the world. Hey tell Mr Boil about the 10 to 1 thing, I don't think he thought of that hehe.


        Costs in check is sound advice. Do a little test run on your numbers.

        Reduce your inputs by 25%, and then substitute the prices you got last year by adding on 20% more.

        Better price along with less expense.

        Think about YOUR pocketbook.



          You farm hopper?
          must be a micro manager.
          god knows noboby i know,keeps up the k
          But your the genius


            I am the Genius? Cotton I am supposed to hug you or shoot you. Don't worry about the shooting, do you want to apply for deer tags?


              Your not the real cottonpecker screw off


                Common around here for people to easily dish out abuse

                When it comes to taking a little back many start crying like babies


                  Sorry drank too much last night, embarrassing.


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