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Done, Seeding now time to hit the lake.

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    Hopper the big field was burnt in early may fire. Their is sprayer tracks in field so probably just sprayed. No fishing this last weekend build a deck. Kids wanted to fish over the deck but wife wanted the deck. Priorities.ha ha,Golf would have been better. Also didnt need the scratch in truck that got in lumber yard.


      MC cant a guy get two days with his kids after seeding at the lake. Come on!
      Looks like we will have to custom seed this week for neighbor.


        mc, do you have the baloons to be? Average $150/ac with most crop out of the ground and a potenial killer frost and time running away for reseed. Add wind, dry soil, and increased fuel costs to the number of acres some sask boys on here farm - the numders would make alot of people puke. But hey nothin but good times and easy money.


          Wrapped up last night, May 31. Started two weeks later than normal and finished two weeks later than normal. Good feeling once again to be done, however more nervous than most years. Some pretty expensive fertilizer in the ground and we've had a lot of cold drying wind here in SESK, An inch of warm rain would make a lot of people feel better! Some planted too shallow with their master drills hoping to make up time on the calender, they're really looking for rain.
          Won't begrudge anyone takin' a few days off after going 'full tilt', I'd love to go to MMPP for a few days, but the jobs have been staking up here, so we'll take the days later when it's warmer.


            Thats why there are fewer and fewer farmers every year.Becuase its so easy.


              Conditions are poor here as well , early seedling canola got hammered by the frost got down to -5plus one night, latest wheat patchy germ. early peas and barley OK. agree with the sentiment that the crops in our area will have a very hard time reaching last years no stress potential. Pastures starting to look like Mid August. ( And we manage ours very very well)

              As far as what you post thats your choice however I just truly believe if you want to clutter up a marketing site with nontopical info like fishing trips and what you ate for lunch be like Parsely and get a blog then your not clogging the site up. The rest is just like flyers that come in the mail that we have to wade through to get to the useful stuff. Really appreciate the marketing intelligence but really how much do you care and rightly so ,if and when I get or how a spend my days away from the farm.
              Everyone deserves a little down time some get more than others its just the way different operations and types of operations are we have straight grain farmers in our area that think they are killing themselves that wouldn't last a week on the big mixed irrigated farms that feed calves all winter too. Its just the way it is . But it sure would be nice to keep the marketing site a marketing site not a clone of twitter thats all.


                God made this earth 1/3 land 2/3 water, Therefore he must have intended us to spend 1/3 of our time plowing and 2/3 fishing.


                  Stuff it in your ear Mc.

                  If the boys want to chatter over their coffee in the morning, and it irritates you that you can't glean current, pertinent, valuable information that is FREE in thirty seconds, just put your mouse in your hand, click on the X in the right hand corner, and exit just like we'd hope you'd do on coffee row.




                    Last time I checked the top of the site said commodity marketing thats all, this site tends to wander far from it way too often but youre dead right though, I can and should choose to ignore all the non topical drivel that adds nothing of import to my life and my business or industry .. Kinda like I never have and never will waste time looking in the closet that they set up for you to fill your days with.


                      Cotton you said

                      "Thats why there are fewer and fewer farmers every year.Becuase its so easy."
                      How is this different than any other industry. Most industries are seeing fewer bigger companies. Especially more mature industries such as agriculture some of the green industries and tech are still seeing new companies but the nature of the beast in older industries is mirrored in what we see in Ag.



                        What you have yet to learn is that what you consider drivel IS the important thing in life.

                        What gives a good getogether? Taking a moment to laugh or argue over a cup of coffee with a friend. Or a foreign delegation. Or a delegation of foreign buyers.

                        Now, I realize you are big and important and maybe so so efficient you don't have time for anything but facts, decisions and action, but smart marketing is all about being interested in other people. About actually looking at them when they sign the cheque. Understanding their needs.You don't sell a 200K bull to someone if you keep looking at your watch. Or establish a five year lentil market into Turkey without finding out what they'll do with them in the kitchen.

                        The topic IS commodity MARKETING, not simply commodities, isn't it? Most of the leaders from the state farms in China were here, but they were interested in the people as well as the commodity.

                        People. What we eat. Education. Hobbies. Laughing and comparing. Taking time. You don't even realize what you've missed with your "I have exactly 71 seconds dear, ...."

                        btw, I'm out of the closet with name open to all, you're not.

                        And Mc, you have the choice to visit my site or not. Choice on both sites. That was my point, Mc.

                        Think about what I've said. It really is some of the best advice I've stored in my experience bank, if you want to learn about MARKETING your commodity. Pars


                          Gee- Pars is it important
                          thanks for sharing that.

                          Have your customers come to your farm wow have a personal/ business relationship brilliant wish I'd thought about that oh wait .
                          I'll have to share that with my Japanese malt customers or the Japanese national flour millers association or the president of the largest brewery in China the next time they stop by.

                          Soooooo I'm thinkin you can in turn blow this one out your ear Pars... and I little word of advice yes it is sometimes good to know who's talking but what I've learned is if you don't know who is talking sometimes it's better to stay quiet.
                          Something I've learned from all my years of marketing experience..enjoying this Pars.

                          Had to stop by whilst hauling Canola just knowing you'd keep digging cause sometimes it's smarter to just quit while your behind ( not that you can/will) NUff said.

                          PS Saskfarmer by the way you are right family time is more important than farm time as long as the balance can be found.( often difficult on a farm) I don't remember the days growing up that we worked but I do remember the special days we took off.... something I try to bring into the raising of my family now, do I think I marketing site is the best place to discuss our private lives? Well we may differ on that but to each their own.


                            I enjoyed reading your the visitors you have an association with. It revealed a lot about the business relationships you seek, and with whom you court favor.

                            I will say, sometimes it's good not to stay silent, especially when someone rides into a website and tries to whip everyone into shape... their shape. I'm not one to accept necessarily accept Mc'rules, and

                            No, I don't know exactly who you are, and I don't care to, but I have a pretty good idea of WHO you are.
                            Have your customers come to your farm wow have a personal/ business relationship brilliant wish I'd thought about that oh wait .
                            I'll have to share that with my Japanese malt customers or the Japanese national flour millers association or the president of the largest brewery in China the next time they stop by.

                            Soooooo I'm thinkin you can in turn blow this one out your ear Pars... and I little word of advice yes it is sometimes good to know who's talking but what I've learned is if you don't know who is talking sometimes it's better to stay quiet.
                            Something I've learned from all my years of marketing experience..enjoying this Pars.

                            Had to stop by whilst hauling Canola just knowing you'd keep digging cause sometimes it's smarter to just quit while your behind ( not that you can/will) NUff said.

                            PS Saskfarmer by the way you are right family time is more important than farm time as long as the balance can be found.( often difficult on a farm) I don't remember the days growing up that we worked but I do remember the special days we took off.... something I try to bring into the raising of my family now, do I think I marketing site is the best place to discuss our private lives? Well we may differ on that but to each their own.


                              I enjoyed reading your the visitors you have an association with. It revealed a lot about the business relationships you seek, and with whom you court favor.

                              I will say, sometimes it's good not to stay silent, especially when someone rides into a website and tries to whip everyone into shape... their shape. I'm not one to accept necessarily accept Mc'rules, and

                              No, I don't know exactly who you are, and I don't care to, but I have a pretty good idea of WHO you are.
                              Have your customers come to your farm wow have a personal/ business relationship brilliant wish I'd thought about that oh wait .
                              I'll have to share that with my Japanese malt customers or the Japanese national flour millers association or the president of the largest brewery in China the next time they stop by.

                              Soooooo I'm thinkin you can in turn blow this one out your ear Pars... and I little word of advice yes it is sometimes good to know who's talking but what I've learned is if you don't know who is talking sometimes it's better to stay quiet.
                              Something I've learned from all my years of marketing experience..enjoying this Pars.

                              Had to stop by whilst hauling Canola just knowing you'd keep digging cause sometimes it's smarter to just quit while your behind ( not that you can/will) NUff said.

                              PS Saskfarmer by the way you are right family time is more important than farm time as long as the balance can be found.( often difficult on a farm) I don't remember the days growing up that we worked but I do remember the special days we took off.... something I try to bring into the raising of my family now, do I think I marketing site is the best place to discuss our private lives? Well we may differ on that but to each their own.


                                Sorry for the premature post, Mc. My laptop was so humbled by the rebuttal you have practiced for such a long time, it balked.

                                And thanks for listing your business guests. It's very very revealing.

                                And I will say this, it is never wise to stay quiet if a practicing single desker starts perimetering online visiting rules; it won't be long before entries made 'about and by choice' will be regulated.

                                I am pleased though, that as a farmer, you recognize that "marketing" goes hand in hand with commodity. There is hope.

                                Since you seem to indicate you are such an astute marketer, then go back and read what you posted today, and ask yourself, "Is Mc the kind of farmer/farm I am just itching to buy from and do business with?"; after all, even exceptional marketing skills can be improve upon.

                                (There is one farmer I know of who will think Mc is perfect).

                                rsvp: Answer yourself.



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