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Skid in Fertilizer Prices Continues

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    Skid in Fertilizer Prices Continues


    Someone should send Bill Doyle a memo notifying him that fert prices are dropping. Potash, the high price on the block, give me a break. He should tell mother nature it's her obligation to rain so we as farmers can fulfill our obligation to produce food.

    Have I mentioned that I hate Bill Doyle???


      I would love to hand deliver that memo!


        Bill is such a smart nice guy. PUKE!


          Is that NH3 is $640 /ton in US $ . If so, was I the only
          one who paid $1000/tonne to Parkland Ag. After my
          5% early payment discount. Where has ,or when are
          these falling pricing coming to a retailer near you?


            Friend in Iowa today paid equivalent (yes did the math converted their product to ours and also today's bank rate exchange) .29 cents a lb for his 2010 anhydrous he had to sign a contract for so many tons and then get this put down 10% till delivery next spring.
            F#$* on our 300 ton that would be wow $15,720 now to lock in .29 cent anhydrous.
            HM wont happen in canada since we finance the dealers. Cash up front for product so they can purchase and then screw some more.


              Not that I want to stick up for these tools but....$US640/ton = $CAN880/mt, that leaves $120/mt for delivery cost and profit. Considering the cost of fuel, trucks, and the fact to get a driver in Ab. cost about $26/hr that really doesn't leave much for profit. If you look at the Agriums of the world however their costs have been decreasing over the last 3 years, nat gas has dropped from $15/mbtu to $3/mbtu. The last agrium annual report I read (2006 I think) was showing a cost for NH3 under $300/mt. I think the likes of Doyle and Wilson are the one's given us the bone here not your local independant fert dealer.


                Owning a share will get you into the Annual General meeting, tell Bill Doyle what you think. POT selling for $112 today.


                  Dear Bill,

                  I am sick of fert. co's putting the screws to farmers.

                  We will do every thing possible to reduce using your products... including using your products unless they return us $4 for ever $1 we spend on them.

                  If Fert. co's think farmers are stupid... and have unlimited lines of credit... think again. We were not born to make fert. co's rich!


                    Farmers in Saskatchewan need to ease off on bad boy Mr. Bill Doyle as our provincial government needs to see them doing well enough to continue paying royalities to our coffers. Manitoba and Alberta, I encourage you to continue to chew on POT. The latest - Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan is down $12.95 CAD (-10.70%) June 17 after German fertilizer supplier K&S.AG (SDF.XE) said it expects a further significant reduction in revenue and earning this year due to continued "extraordinary" weak demand for potash fertilizers. Potash also announced Tuesday that it will reduce 2009 potash production by another 800,000 metric tons, bringing curtailments for the year to 4.7 million tons. It cited lagging demand due to an " extremely" slow U.S. spring season and extended negotiations with offshore buyers.


                      And Mr. Doyle says to the Indians and Chinese I would rather see you starve than put the price down. You must pay 4 times what you paid 3 years ago. Not quite in them words. Wasn't potash price responsible for the Chinese putting on the export tax on Phosphate?


                        checking - are you serious? There is only one reason their sales are down - Way,way overpriced product - end of story. Did you not witness the real estate market in the U.S. - same b/s, greed killed itself. We can and are growing good crops without potash. Go easy?? - go fill your truck up with potash and you can save the provincial economy your self - most of us have better things to do with that money - like feed our own families. Without us they have nothing and that is becoming very clear.


                          This is not a political commercial, but I sort of like the idea of Saskatchewan being a "have" province. Don't you? A substantial chunk of that is due to potash. Even you, furrowtickler, say "we can and are growing good crops without potash. So why go after potash as the baddest of a bad lot of fertilizer gougers? It is after all a product that you acknowledge you don't need on your farm. Well, the education part of my land taxes is telling me that the province needs the revenue stream from potash, and that I'm a beneficiary of that. Sorry Alberta and Manitoba, but as furrowtickler has pointed out, I have better things to do with that money, like feed my family. I also suspect that Mr. Doyle has figured it out that if supply is less than demand, which at this time he can control by limiting production, he can keep the price of his product at beyond what you and the world believe to be a reasonable amount, keep his share holders happy, and save a lot of wear and tear on his mining equipment. Who knows if POT will blink first, but who among us wouldn't like to be in that position in agriculture?


                            I agree POT needs to be strong but my point is they have priced themselves not only off my farm but 80% of Western Canada if not more and out of the world market. It is no different than paying $700,000 for a house that's worth $200,000. Sooner or later something is going to give. How long do you think China and India were going to pay four times more for potash than it is worth? They need to find a happy medium with pricing soon or they will out working the streets. Farmers need fert but they also must make a living here or China or Ukraine or Brazil. That's the sad reality Doyle can not grasp but is staring him in the face on a daily basis now.


                              He reminds me of the murdocks of the world so arogant that they know better. If china and india blink we loose for good. But I think they will find another source on their own and he will be remembered as the CEO who had it all and for pure greed failed.


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