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the world according to Monsanto

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    the world according to Monsanto

    Has anyone watched this documentary? All I can say is wow! I think I now know where Dr. Evils headquarters are located at.

    "Oh my" Greenpeace is going to make billions on this one.



      watched it a while back. it just puts together all the stuff a person has heard over the years. of course their ambition is to have everyone using their technology and they'll be merciless and unscrupulous in achieving that end.


        http://www2.nfb.ca/boutique/XXNFBibeCCtpItmDspRte.jsp?formatid=56194&lr_ecode= collection&minisite=10000&respid=22372

        DVD available from:
        National Film Board $29.95

        English dubbed in.


          If you're a believer in this "movie", don't use their products. If any of you have a problem with Monsanto but use their products or seeds, you're a hypocrite. Personally, I'm not a believer in a Monsanto world domination conspiracy.


            Wow are consumers ever set on killing monsanto, lots of stuff or crap on the net on this company. They should disolve the company and create a new fresh one. They do have a bad history no doubt. They now can only hurt agriculture by keeping their company name going.




                When I hear quotes like “It (roundup) brings death, poverty and illness, as well as destruction of the natural resources that help us live.”, my B.S. detector goes off.

                The sceptic in me asks if they’ll lie to people who don't know anything about roundup, how many other claims are just as exaggerated or made up entirely?


                  I am not a monsanto supporter, I do not use their seed,(does't work with our system). But I know without round up or generics crop production in this world would significantly less.


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