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CWB Producer Survey Has Been Released

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    CWB Producer Survey Has Been Released


    53% of farmers want either a dual or open market in wheat.

    60% of farmers want either a dual or an open market in barley.

    Surprise, surprise once again the majority of farmers tell the board what they want and what will the board do? Ignore them of course, these farmers don't really exist even if the boards own survey says so year, after year, after year.


      when asked if the wanted CWB single desk or open market 63% wanted CWB single desk 31% open market


        once again if the numbers don't add up right and anouther number to it


          When asked the direct question of which marketing scenario they would prefer, 47% support single desk for wheat, 33% support single desk for barley. The remainder and might I say majority support CHOICE!!!! STubblehumper what don't you undestand.
          I had the privelage of participating in this so called scientific survey and a large number of these questions that they have published results for were never asked. Seems to me if they dont get the response they are looking for they just steer you in a different direction because they dont want to hear the answers. Person conducting phone survey continually kept asking my views on the business practices and information sharing by large grain companies as if somehow by slinging mud at them would justify the CWB's own useless existance.


            the numbers for barley were 42% cwb 46% open


              support for the so called dual market was at an all time low


                "when asked if the wanted CWB single desk or open market 63% wanted CWB single desk 31% open market"

                Uhh Stubble, 15% of your 63% are in the "somewhat" category. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. It's a two option question with a 4 option answer that's clear as mud.


                  "support for the so called dual market was at an all time low"

                  But the open market/dual market option was still had much higher support than just the monopoly.

                  All that PR money being spent and the majority of producers still favour choice.


                    How much are we spending for those pieces of garbage?

                    How about they pay that money to me, give me the telephone numbers of everybody who actually produces wheat and I will ask them one question.

                    Yes or No.

                    Do you feel you should be free to sell your wheat to any entity in the entire world?


                    Shut the doors.

                    Where's my cheque?


                      When it comes to the question of the CWB getting you better prices...

                      36% of surveyed farmers showed that they don't do price checks or just can't do basic arithmetic, lets call them the true believers.

                      44% weren't really sure one way or the other, the agnostics

                      and 19% actually did their homework and knew what they were talking about.


                        The majority of farmers surveyed also believe that competition would lead to higher prices and better service.


                          Wonder where the questions were on the relevance of the voters list?


                            I would encourage farmers/farm organizations to request the full
                            producer survey interview schedule similar to 2007. Has not been
                            released in either 2008 or 2009. Information like opinion on the
                            voter list will be in this fuller presentation/documentation.

                            You also has to go back and compare how the information is
                            presented between 2008 and 2009. Interesting the survey
                            company introduced segregation by age, size and percent of farm
                            of farm receipts (don't know what this is) but didn't include the
                            Provincial breakdowns. There were also a lot more longer term
                            graphs such as page 10.

                            My interest was peaked by the questions around the contingency
                            and I have to admit to confusion. It would appear to farmer motto
                            around the financial aspects of the CWB is "what you can't see
                            doesn't hurt you".


                              I noticed the survey weighting at the begining as well and haven't had time yet to check previous surveys if they did it there as well. But I found it interesting that 1/3 were 640 acres and under, 1/3 640-2500 acres and 1/3 2500 acres.

                              Would be interesting to see what the results would look like if you dropped the lower acre farms.


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