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CWB Producer Survey Has Been Released

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    Would not the results on barley when the CWB support went up by 6 %.

    Majority of western Canadian farmers still favor an open market for barley, 46 % open market versus 42 % single desk (12 % didn't say). Alberta was 64 % open market versus 27 % single desk.

    On performance, 47 % of survey respondants said the CWB does a poor job of marketing feed barley versus 20 % that said a good job. The survey was split at 35 % good versus bad on malt barley. I knocked off the 30 % percent moderately good - don't know what moderately good is. Would the 30 % have been different if asked the question as moderately bad.


      Perhaps a bit of an irony but interesting that most farmers feel the CWB does a poor job of marketing feed barley and yet the CWB made $20 mln cash trading feed barley in 2007/08(none of which benefited barley growers but rather was deposited into the contingency fund). Won't back to review but I think this was on about 150,000 tonnes of sales. Most grain companies would like margins like that on feed barley transactions.



        How are your free-market pigs treating you? Lower priced feed barley (pig food) is what you want isnt it? You are smarter than the average farmer.


          I understand that free-market hawgs have been in free-fall for some time now. They need some cheap barley real soon or the loss will be even greater than is has been.


            Was also interesting to see on page 20 how pooling ranked at the bottom of the priority list.

            It also looks like the monopoly is more favoured by those who have one foot already in the old folks home(page 23). Socialism was good enough for old Granddad it's good enough for you sonny, "I had to work two jobs to make back the money the board cost me, now its your turn young fellow!"


              By the way guys I think we would all love to know how a single desk for hogs would have stopped COOL(country of origin labelling), kept H1N1 from being falsely labeled "swine flu" when the only pigs to get it, got it from humans and, oh yes, prevented the Russians and Chinese from putting up extra trade barriers against the advice of the WHO.

              Maybe you can start a new thread to 'splain the whole concept to those of us who still don't get it.

              Is there a single desk magic wand we haven't heard of yet? Or let me guess it's just like those CWB price premiums, a figment of your under-worked imaginations.

              I bet you jokers also think that if you believe in the monopoly concept hard enough you'll always get the right amount of rain and never have an untimely frost hit your crops either.

              Cause and effect boys, lets see the evidence, lets see some proof.


                By the way we're all still waiting for your explanation of how we never would have had any problems with BSE if only cattle had a single desk. Would you mind clearing that mystery up for us as well?


                  Franny, shhhhh - it's nap time at the home. I think they are allowed on the computer for about an hour a day.


                    Page 23 of survey actually is very interesting but raises more questions than it answers. As Franciso points out more older farmers favor the CWB than younger, but it does not tell us if attitudes change as farmers gain experience and farm size increases. Will these numbers change as these older farmers retire, or are they static as young farmers who now favor the open market decide over time the CWB has value?

                    Second really amazing graph is the suppoort of the CWB based on % of farm receipts. Farmers with high percentage of reciepts from farm(?) favor the CWB whereas farmers who get a small percentage of their money from farm(?)more likely favor open market. This is something that should be explored further. Is this telling me that real farmers, who rely primarily on farming, support the board and those part time farmers, or persons who farm and have multiple other business, like consulting, trucking, sales, etc and who do not rely soley on farming support the open market? Or is this telling me that farmers who rely primarily on sales of wheat and barley for farm income want the board while those farmers who grow primarily other crops or have livestock enterprises are those who are against the CWB? Who should the CWB cater to - those who rely primarily on the sale of CWB grains or farmers for who CWB grain sales is a minor part of their operation?


                      They should "cater" to only those that truly find value in their service and wish to voluntarily deal with them. Everyone else should be free to do what they want.

                      Apparently the eastern prairies don't necessarily agree.


                        I can imagine 'you know who' making this argument as well:

                        "This is something that should be explored further. Is this telling me that real women, who rely primarily on their husbands, support the the status quo and those militant women constantly wanting a vote, or women who actually think they work on the farm, who only live on the farm, while complaining they have multiple other tasks, like making meals for threshers, milking cows, feeding sucking claves, raising chickens, etc but who do not rely soley on real farming grain income, are really the only ones who support getting a vote? "

                        How many times do the ultra-stupid have to be told:





                          "really amazing graph is the suppoort of the CWB based on % of farm receipts"

                          Not to sure about this one either. But lets remember it's a phone survey, I don't see too many guys saying wait a minute while I tally up last years numbers to see, the thing takes way to long to do as it is. There's also no way to verify if it's accurate or not.


                            the only real evidence from another cwb survey is that the people that were contacted,or board supporters, continue to lack basic math skills,can't add and subtract.I find it odd that in the same week cwb survey results are released chairman hill is re elected as board chair,and his comment is "one of our top priority items is to do a better job of demonstrating the value of the board to producers".Based on cwb survey results,I thought the cwb propaganda machine was well financed and in good woking order,guess I was wrong.



                              "Hello, Farmer Wilson. This is dml."

                              "Who's dml?"

                              "Domestic Marketing Logistics."

                              "Whaddaya you want?"

                              "We want to place the marketing of all John Deere farm products under a compulsory marketing group run by me and my assistants, and so we're working to get legislation passed with the executive assistance of Ralph Inc. We'll work on Ford later."

                              ""You're fnkidding, right?"

                              "No. I'm also doing a survey. The questions today are these:

                              We envisage a single desk for all John Deere machinerey.
                              1. Will you be buying a John Deere tractor in the next ten years? Yes or No.

                              "Uh, uh, .....yes."

                              2. How many tractors should we market for John Deere in 2015? Under 100. 125-600. 700-29,000.

                              "Last one, I guess."

                              3 How old are you? Under 30? 30-65? 70-94?

                              "Last one I guess."

                              4. And what is your Annual Net Farming income? Less than $400 Net annually? $500-1400 Net annually? Over 127,000 Net Annually?


                              5. And what is your sex? M, F, or Other? You are being recorded"


                              "Hello? Hello?"

                              "What is the matter with these stupid farmers? I have every right to have these questions annswered because I am going to help them."


                                Does Viterra have any other crushing plants? Is this something new for them?


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