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Rain totals

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    Apparently none of you wet guys have any canola left in the bin. Maybe you should take out an ad in the producer to tell the world how big your crops are going to be now.

    Does it also mean you now have grass to send our cattle?

    Keep it up.


      Not sure how 3/4 of an inch makes a bumper crop considering no subsoil moisture, most areas where it rained needed it just to germinate the crop. June 21 and try to find a canola field where you can't see the ground through it anywhere in western Canada, even in southern Alberta on the irrigated fields. Alberta essentially got none of this rain as well. In no way can you compare this years crop to last years. Maybe canola will go lower but it won't be from a 1 day rain in parts of Saskatchewan.


        rainfall basically zero
        Any later seeded canola is toast. It has stalled at 2 leaf stage. While Lacombe is still trying to survive on past subsoil, those areas that are a little further north and east don't have that luxury. winter wheat heading at 6 inches. No weeds and wells running dry.Forecast not good and time running out.


          We have had 6/10 of rain since snow disappeared. Any rain now will not make a bumper crop, just maintain what we have. We did not get any this weekend. Lots of guys bought back Canola contracts last week.

          Killam. East central Alberta


            There will be no bumper crop here but this should make an average crop, we hope, if it does not freeze or hail. Easy silver, no one is spouting bumper crop here, just snappy.


              0.00mm just south of Calgary. Nice to move cows on dry roads. (looking for a bright spot)


                Got to the farm again today. Finally last night we had another 3/4 of a inch on all the farm. With the 1/2 yesterday and the 1/2 Thursday we are sitting pretty good.
                Was worried, When you sit all fathers day at outlaws and watch it rain,(1-1-1) knowing full well the storm is going from the south strait north. (thanks to the damn blackberry) Your farm is East, it makes for a very very very long day. But on way home blackberry showed a red, green yellow over farm and yea it finally hit. Slept way better.
                To the pathetic BSers 60 plus canola is long gone, long gone. With moisture you will make July but 1 inch in June and no subsoil makes canola a sad plant come July. But keep those rose colored glasses on.
                Have a good one. Sorry to the Alberta area that didn't get any rain. and areas in Sask that got minimum.


                  You guys need to suck it up!!

                  I do feel terrible for the guys hurting for the moisture, I've been there in 02, and 03 it sucks.

                  But we've never hurt for moisture once this spring yet, and YES WE COULD HAVE BUMPER YET!! And I'm not going to apologize for it.

                  I guess I should just say my crop sucks to join the party?? Well it doesn't. So to the guys I offended....Sorry, but you really need to grow up.

                  SF3, I wouldn't take your advice to far after listening to your predictions last summer.


                    I grew up a very long time ago Snappy.

                    There have been many posters lamenting the crop prospects and lack of rain over the years. That is true.

                    But, I have very rarely ever read anyone here bragging about how great their crops look or how they just got the big, timely rain. There are also very few who will admit to booking in their off board crops at the highs of the decade.

                    Probably because they realize how demoralizing it is to those who didn't.


                      Siver, I was not trying to brag. Just don't think in areas it's as bad as you'll think. Drove last Friday down to Regina crops look awesome, drove to P.A. last week crops look awesome. Drove from Regina down through Wadena Kelvington, to Tisdale home crops look awesome.

                      I said yeah we have a bumper coming....if, big if, we get some rain in July, crops are about a week behind.

                      Last year I was spraying Tilt June 27th weekend, and I will be this year also.

                      And I certainly wasn't saying to sell your old and new crop Canola, because of this silly rain. Seasonally we are screwed, and there are alot of bigger forces at work right now determining our prices rather than a silly rain.

                      Check out a COT chart as of Friday's close. The warning signs are here.

                      I'm not looking for blood.

                      Guess from now on I will only put posts up in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS stating all negative stuff like others on this site..


                        Snapper yes I was wrong last year I said it over and over I was wrong. But will you tell us how you did in fall it would be nice to know how well you did with your projections. I just know if were 1 to 2 weeks behind and the current weather sticks we will get first frost in sept. Good for you, for your good fortune.


                          Snappy, crackly, poppy, if I can defend Mr. Doyle, I can say a few good things about the former. Hey!, did you hear that Cheerios according to the FDA is a drug? What would it say about crackly, or poppy? (lol) (I digress) Mr Weber's thread was asking for rain totals. They were provided. I doubt that snappy would have replied had furrowtickler not provoked him over his previous "bumper" thoughts. Snappy, before he knew the rain gods were going to smile on his farm, said a bumper was on the way if he caught a 2" rain. I will vouch for him that germination looks far better this year than it did last year out my front window. Everything else being equal that should translate into a better crop, which I believe is much of what snappy was saying. Did I receive a rain? Nada drop in the last two weeks in SE Sask.


                            Another misunderstanding is bumper to me is not 60bus/canola. I had that once in my life and that was last year.

                            Bumper to me is 40-45, which I think is acheivable yet.

                            I know it's very frusterating when you're getting moisture.

                            I will clear the air one more time, I was in no way trying to rub anything in to anyone. And if it came off that way I apologize.


                              Sorry should say frusterating when not getting moisture. My bad!


                                1 3/4" NE of Regina. Crops look good in this area. Sorry to those that missed the rain. I grew up in West Central SK and experienced the 80's first hand. Crop insurance 5 out of 8 years. It's hard to keep positive during drought but for sanity reasons one had better. Best of luck everyone!


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