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Its July 10Th The Damn furnace kicked in.

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    Its July 10Th The Damn furnace kicked in.

    Well holly crap its July 10Th on the calendar and the furnace in the trailer kicked in at 5:00 AM. I was awoken to the neighbors and thought must be warming it for the kids or left it at 70 over night. then I heard another and finally ours kicked in.
    What does this have to do with marketing well, It seems funny to me how market just talks about Australia and Argentina and how crop conditions effect what is happening in CBOT and Minn etc.
    Well after the frost of 02 and 04 I am starting to think 2009 might go down as the third Frost year of the new millenium. Some Global warming (wink Wink) Way to go David Suzuki. Simply the weather of this year has been very similar to the frost years. Cooler spring and summer, Dryer then wet (so we spray for Disease, to delay crop some more) then the early frost. World weather said cooler but warming up fall and winter. Maybe just maybe I am wrong but my gut feeling is not good for this crop.
    And on the CBOT and Minn. Wouldn't a total exit from the World market for HRS and Durum, Plus No Canola sales influence the Market? Charley, Take us out of the market on Canola Wheat and Barley. Because a frost in first to second week of August would wipe out every farm in Western Canada.
    Maybe I am wrong but wouldn't this be a huge impact on global supplies greater than Australia or Argentina being out of market. And if we get the frost usually the Europeans get it a week later or earlier than us.

    It was 1C at Camrose at 5:00 AM


      David Philips was on the radio this morning. He was asked where our summer is. Same answere as always. It will be warmer than normal 3 months from now. Always trying to put the global warming spin on things even after it is proven that the earth has cooled .7 degrees since 1998.


        Sask crop report yesterday said that with all this rain and WARM weather in the last 2 weeks, crops are catching up. Ha ha ha


          Edible peas are podded and filling with this last moisture. In a few days, I'm going to pick out a small area I left unsprayed for eats. The flax has been in bloom over the past ten days. The first seeded May 03 durum has headed. I believe this area's crops are catching up.


            At this point I'm thinking the cooler weather is helping my canola which got the s*?! kicked out of it by a late spring frost and again a couple of weeks ago with a 3-4 inch rain. The stuff is flowering too early, before it had cabbaged out all the way, so hopefully the cool will keep it flowering.

            But another frost and all my soybeans will be shot. You can drive by a field of soybeans with an ice cream truck and wind up with frost damage.


              The canola crop is so good in Manitoba Fran, that it will boost the rest of western Canada to above average yields.

              Hellmans thinking it - so it must b gospel.


                The crop of canola is good if this was June. There is a lot of crop in the rosette stage and won't be blooming until the last week in July. That would put it into September for swathing, if we get warm weather. We are presently at 17 with a low of 8. I wouldn't even want to think about an August frost. Our crop should be swathed by the end of August.


                  Well when you see canola bolting and you can still see dirt inbetween the plants somethings not right. And I see a lot of fields like that.

                  Counting on Manitoba to bring up the average is not a wise bet at this stage.


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