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Is the next big Stock Drop Just around the Corner?

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    Is the next big Stock Drop Just around the Corner?

    We saw last falls crash then the hype the sky is falling. finally last few weeks bottom is here, its over etc etc.
    But what really has changed. The USA is still in hawk to trillions. The banks are on touchy ground. The stock game is still a crap shoot.
    Is the final big drop on its way. And when i mean final this one will or could be huge.
    Simply grain has started its next leg lower, even if the grain fundamentals are not in sync with markets. Argentina, Australia, USA, Europe and India and China did not produce and replenish the world supply of grain. Sorry they didn't.
    So are the speculators and funds the ones who will loose big in this next down turn.
    time will tell, but it could be one hell of a winter. Oh yea today all over the news how Alberta will produce a good crop from rain in July, Yea that's a good one.

    My bet's on one more bounce followed by a fall crash with new lows and realization that this is a really big problem that can't be spent away.


      For those still sitting on old crop, whats the general thinking, are the highs behind us and nows the time to part with the crop we should have sold 8 mo ago? Your talk of the "big one" has me thinking...


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