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Frost again

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    Frost again

    Phone calls and emails from:

    Regina, - ice on hot tub lid
    Warman, - frost on roof

    SE SK - frost on roofs
    NE SK - frost on roofs

    Enviro Canada shows a low of 4C in most of these places; therefore, it didnt freeze anywhere.

    And it didnt freeze in Winnipeg, so all is well.

    It was 4 when I went to bed at 10pm.


      What does damage look like on flowering canola?

      Do the flowers just fall off?


        When we had a july frost the flowering canola survived, but wiped out any flowering cereals.


          On the positive side the low temp, below 10C at night, mean very little fusarium for flowering cereals.


            I had volunteer canola in soybeans last year that
            flowered after several hard frost, didn't produce any


              July 17, 2001 had frost. Only Canola that had lower pods froze. Flowering Canola was untouched yielded 10 bu/ acre more. The ones that froze also decided to flower again after swathing. Combining the swaths in blooming Canola! There are no flowering cereals here yet.


                Some farmers are already saying their peas are hurt from this frost. Peas jumped .25 cents/bu. today at local buyer. We had a frost in July like this years back...wheat looked good all the way until combining, then when the combine got in the field, had to double check to see no clean grain covers were open, as wheat was hardly coming into the hopper. Peas that year were terrible and I'm suspecting this year will be simmular.


                  Frost in canola at this time of year may sterilize the flower, wheat in flower will be toast even at 1 or so. jmo


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