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Lots of canola not yet blooming

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    Lots of canola not yet blooming

    About 25 percent of the canola in my area (west Red River Valley) is not yet in bloom. Some not even bolted yet. Another half is barely a week into bloom. That leaves only about 25 percent in full bloom.

    Larry Weber's 60 days from bloom start to maturity puts us at mid sept to needed frost free weather.

    Should we be worried?

    Got home late again, tonight. Cannot believe how the crops have changed over the past three days of travelling the same roads. They are jumping towards maturity. And looking so much better and thickening out. Lots of barley headed out. Canola blooming profusely. Pars


      Yes the Damaged Crap is starting to fill in nicely and the reseeded fields look awesome and the later seeded that missed the frosts looks really really good on Canola. Peas are short but still blooming and Cereals are just stupid in our area.
      BUT BUT BUT> its not July 1st its July 17.


        Where abouts you people been driving? Of course canola looks better once it's flowering and cereals at start of heading look better, but when you can still see bare ground in the flowering canola and there are some patches of really good cereals but not everywhere, you can still see the rows from the road not a very good crop. It's July 17th!!!!!


          I have kept track of maturity in canola fron the start of bloom till swathing and I have found three weeks for blooming and three to four weeks for turning is a pretty good rule.So my calculations are about 42 to 49 days after blooming starts. Most of mine started blooming last week that puts swathing on August 28. Still pretty late if it freezes on the 20th.


            SE Sask.

            Saskatoons are ripe. Will try to pick for an hour today. And a toon pie for dinner tonight! Peas in the field looking good south of Whitewood. Potatoes are ready in the garden for some time.Canola along #9 and # 22 Hwys.There are some really late crops, I agree, with some of them being a reseeded crop. But there are some crops coming along nicely.




              Parsley.... the Saskatoons are normally ripe about
              July 10.... so they are only about 1 week behind.

              However, I have just come from scouting and taking
              some pics of our crop and, considering our seeding
              dates, we are about 2 weeks behind.

              Last year our canola seeded on April 28 was
              noticeably flowering on June 20.... and evenly

              This year our first seeded was on May 6 and
              noticeably flowering on July 8th... and very
              patchy.... although some serious heat could hurry it

              BTW... I understand you are again extremely
              preoccupied by a family illness, and I know you
              have a tremendous sense of duty and the mental
              strength and will power to care, and work, for
              many, many hours.... with little sleep.

              Remember that your body needs some rest.... even
              if your brain doesn't!!!

              Please take care.... Bill


                Sounds to me like you were driving in circles with your seeder empty. LOL

                bduke, are you intimating my speedometer influenced my crop view? LOL

                Thanks for the concern and good advice,though Bill. I will pace myself. As if..... LOL

                It is a bit tough sledding to help a sister die, but I've been through it before with friends and family, so I have a little experience to help me along this road, as have many AV'ers, or you will have. I do my very best, as do you in this kind of a situation.

                It is what it is.

                Your notes and calls sometimes reflect your own stories, as well as your support, and I thank you for your kindnesses.

                Those who understand the effects of cancer on a family often reach out to other human beings, and the farm community is indeed thoughtfull and caring. But we know that, don't we?

                Wait....Listen...I hear plump ripe saskatoons calling me, waiting to be plucked for a pie. LOL

                Enjoy living.



                  First off, my heart goes out to you and your family, Parsly. It has hit our family several times, and it is very difficult to go through.

                  Now for the canola that hasn't bolted yet, I don't see how it can make it. One guy says 42-49days, the other said 2 months. Well, that may well work when starting July 1. But July 17 or later? With days getting shorter each day, the later in the year you go, the more days of daylight you are going to need to ripen this crop. You might as well add another couple weeks to that 42-60 days. Now I did swath in 03,on Oct 1, but it never did turn very much, was frozen, graded sample, and only went 2mph or less combining. Not going to do that again!


                    The crops "know" exactly what time of year it is. Canola in particular is very responsive to day length, what I have been seeing is that canola is blooming for two weeks and shutting it down. We aren't getting the 3 or 4 weeks of flowering that we normaly get. The pods better be big and full because there aren't alot of them.


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