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August 5

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    August 5


    A bunch of agrivillers the next day



      No kidding!...

      Could very well be true....

      But may be coldest on the morning of the 6th as the
      full moon is at 0:55AM august 6th.....

      I have suffered a killing frost on August 8th... a full
      moon..... Bill


        Hey, you are definitely Yoda! I have huge regard for your insight, so I have some questions for you. What's coming with interest rates? With the dollar climbing, B of C suggests earlier than predicted climbs. How bad are things? I just got a quarterly report on my 'aggressive portfolio' and it gained 14.28% in the last 3 mos, albeit after losing 26% value in the past year. All economic activity revolves around the cost of oil, and at 60 bucks a barrel, that is still too high to sustain economies. 40 bucks still makes good revenues for all the players, it's just that the shark mentality of a year ago at 147 caused the players to freeze in a state of drool. NG is a little low, but that is a supply/demand function, shale gas technology brought huge reserves on line. As far as grains go, the USDA is playing the same old game it has for the last 20 years, when market forces begin to drive price, bring out an overly optimistic supply report and prices will slip, always enhancing processor and retailor bottom lines at the expense of the producer. In the US, producers will be compensated by the taxpayer as always. Then we get to gold - about the most useless substance on earth, you can't eat it, fuel your car with it or live in it. Yet it grabs this insane value, especially in uncertain times. What's up with that? By the way, I am glad to see that people are starting to get cranky about the oligopoly that has taken control of the input side of costs. So what are your thoughts on the economy for the next 12 months?


          Economy with our dollar over par. Not good. We need to be like China and keep our currency low and steady. This up and down just kills everyone.


            Hey cotton do you rank anywhere in that second video? hahaha, kidding.


              you guys talking frost for the 5th or 6th? according to the forecasts it suppose to get really hot starting next week


                Why do you guys think it will freeze just because there is a full moon. There was a scietific study done of all the times there was a frost in the past and there was NO correlation between full moons and frost.


                  Maybe the frost scare is gone till mid August still will fR#$K up most of our crop.


                    If it freezes on the 5/6 i'll be all those guys at once-not kidding.

                    I've been called lots of names but never yoda.

                    Its hard to give an opinion about market direction in the current state of things.

                    Information we recieve can not be thought of as the "truth".This puts a handicap on the thought process.

                    Long term i havent changed my mind,but the medium term(twelve months)is up in the air yet.

                    The bond market is still the place to watch,it will help the timing of "it".


                      What about Canadian Dividend Markets? The TSE is still over 10 thou, that is not all bad news. And financials, since when do banks, insurance companies and other investment firms lose money in this country? Bond markets - not yet. I feel something in the air tonight - like the cusp of a run-up on interest rates. My thoughts, stay out of USAW funds. Too fragile. Go Global!


                        have fun do what you want

                        a fool and his money soon part,mr.circus


                          Cotton, are you familiar with Fareed Zakaria's book - The Post American World? It's a good read and perhaps offers a glimpse into the global redistribution of wealth, resources, and power. I'm not quite as pessimistic as you and what I see happening is a separation away from the wealth speculators of old to empowering the wealth innovators and generators of new. This correction was long over due, if you believe in a 'Free Market System'. This week, new regulations were imposed on energy traders in the US to reduce the possibility of certain parties consuming positions on commodity markets so that they could no longer control paper supply/demand ratios. We need the same thing in Agriculture. Let me put my perspective in this light. I would far soon see a heart surgeon who performed 300 surgeries and saved 250 lives get paid $10 million per year than some hockey player who scored 32 goals last season. We need to press the reset button on basic Adam Smith and restart economic practice or it'll become Orwell's 1984. Nowhere is the need more apparent than in Agriculture. Since it is not happening in the private marketplace, may I suggest that someone needs to step up and start a compreshensive, producer driven, all inclusive ag co-operative, for the farmer, by the farmer. I would suggest that it would include ALL commodities, bulk input purchasing, marketing, crop insurance and income stabilization. And of course, to succeed, it would have to be voluntary. In other words folks, take control of your destiny into your own hands, and quit bitching for government/taxpayer subsidies to survive.


                            Sorry for getting crusty,your writing stile reminded me of someone,and i was in a mood.Cant keep Mr.Hyde pinned down all the time.


                              I havent read the book,sounds good.

                              I dont think the us will go down without a fight.


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