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60.17MM since April 1st dont cut it!

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    60.17MM since April 1st dont cut it!

    Just checked the CWB weather station near our farm and yes since April 1st only 60.17MM. We were extremely wet the last 5 years and had major rain going into the winter. Snow coverage was way below. Then the spring from Hell arrived with cool and Frost April, May, June, July. Its either lets hope for one last blast to fill whats their, Big Hail storm, (but if it doesn't rain all summer how will that happen) Pray, or Burn it up before the frost and call it a year. Its funny how this weeks cooler temps and it still went backwards. Phoned one earth for major rain dance.

    Caught a half inch yesterday,crop looks real good.

    Looks like your getting your wish sask,radar is lighting up.


      Check again it looks like its dissipating (9:54) Crap cant buy a decent rain this year.


        Please tell me how you can check the historic or current rainfall totals from any CWB weather station. From what I can see; the CWB makes everyone go through a CWB account to even reach your own weather data (assuming you bought the Weatherbug system from them); and won't let you share that weather data with anyone else without giving access to all your CWB account. Further; the CWB is stopping your direct access to what should be free access to a Weatherbug archive.


          Sorry It was our Bayer Site 1/2 mile from the farm. Yes I hate the CWB to. Maybe some minor rain last night. Fingers crossed as head out to farm.


            Heard on Melfort radio station yesterday that July has been the eighth consecutive month of below normal temperatures. Rain or no rain, any bets on this crop making it?


              Ill tell you in two weeks or 20 days. Because if it freezes then we would have some peas, light oats and barley, Feed HRS and Crap Durum, Canola one field 0 production, rest 15 good seed.


                Access to Weatherbug command centre with Username Canola and password Grower.


                  G Dam add .30 mm to 60.17 we now have 60.47 mm since april. August 1 may as well burn up now might beat the frost then.


                    We have had more then that in Kindersley.


                      Sorry to hear of all the dry areas. We have received about 7" since April 1st and it's still dry in the crop and garden. Most amounts were 2/10 at a time. Only one 1" soaker July 12. Everything looks great but two weeks late and getting later every day it is this cold. It's 10C now. It will be a stressful Aug. We were done harvest before 9/11 in 2001. If it was hot the crops would be suffering more. USA weather talking about a heat ridge down there next week. And it's so hot in BC and Pacific NW, but can't seem to move that ice berg stuck in Hudson's Bay.


                        If we can make it past the next five - six days we will get more heat for a while- I hope until sept 15th!!!1


                          Thanks agstar and others. All the Weatherbug archives appear to be on Bayer site link; including the CWB farm weather station sites where "their" stations are set up. Absolutely no thanks to the CWB for making this information available. In fact I may be correct in saying this is where the CWB $199.00 annual fee comes in (or maybe $99.00 for those who purchased one of their very high priced Weatherbug kits.) Just look on eBay to see what fraction of the CWB price is fair market value.
                          Anyway; all the graphs and charts from historical data is available for 120 days at no cost; and I don't think there is a damn thing the CWB can do to prevent anyone from accessing it. The data isn't archived by the CWB; they are trying to sell something that is free and already paid for. As long as Bayer and maybe the Canola Council don't cave in with providing everyone with their password to Weatherbug; we're all good to go.
                          Thanks Bayer and the Canola Council. No favorable comments for the CWB


                            SFA on saturday night at the farm, poured up at the lake, heading to field of dreams today to look at huge crop. HA HA HA. oh well nice to see.


                              SFA sunday not even a sprinkle. wet at lake.


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