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Descicating Wheat??

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    Descicating Wheat??

    How green can you spray?? No question will be trying to push the window this year.

    FYI, for those who are hoping I don't get a bumper, you might get your wish yet if it freezes before end of August..

    I hope you get a bumper, you may well be one of very few. We have a good one coming too if it was July 15th. This cool weather this week is not good at all for Western Canada as a whole. Although some need rain yesterday. I wish I could blink and be it Sept 15th, real fast with no frost.


      Snapper no one said they hope you don't get a bumper We just said take a drive you might be one of a few. Yea ours look OK to but its not the middle of July. its August 4Th and the trailers heat went on last night at the lake. If it freezes wait a week then kill every thing. We have done HRS and Durum when the node below the head is starting to dry. Looked green but made it nice sample. Smaller kernels if spray to early. Peas to early means way less yield, HRS just smaller kernels once the kernels made. Cant get milk when squeeze it.


        we stage by squeezing the kernel between thumbnail and forefinger. Do this slowly and if anything other then milk comes out(look for a small bead of water) it is too soon. works for us and it always seems too early but have had 67lb cps this way. If you can find an older monsanto rep they seem to push the window the most. My guy says as long as there is no water in the kernel giver.


          I was always told you spray it when you would swath it.


            Wait until less than 30% moisture in seeds. (hard dough stage) Spraying glyphosate before this stage will result in excessive glyposhate residues in the kernals. With the increased concern about food safety, the last thing we can afford is to have a boatload of wheat rejected because farmers are not following the glyphosate label and rushing the preharvest application resulting in excessive glyphosate residues. Remember the problems with malation residues in canola and rejection of a canola shipment into Japan a few years ago. A loss of a shipment of wheat would be even more damaging.


              as much as i hate to swath, is it a quicker dry down option to beat the frost. and if it is by how much?
              pretty scary around here.
              some of the conv. till around here may be better off and make it but the rest yikes! cold soils then -5 and drought after that rain.
              globel warming please


                We are going to be spraying/swathing wheat on the green side this year as well. We will have no choice. Last year I sprayed HRSW when there was just a little milk left in the kernels 40%? - a few days before I would swath - and it saved a grade from the wheat sprayed just a few days later. I would not be concerned about glyphsate residue - a loss in grade waiting for the perfect timing will cost you big time. The difference from a 3/feed to a 1/2 will be significant this year.


                  I have desicated lots of wheat with R-up and learned a fair amount.

                  Lots of data from the US is done spraying roundup on wheat at different stages, if you do a google search you will find it. Bottom line was that the yield loss was not all that great once the dough in the kernal was starting to stiffen up.

                  If your wheat is under severe drought stress, save your money. The roundup will not be taken in and no faster than regular dry down.

                  If you have good moisture and your wheat is growing good you must spray when the top leaf on the main stem still has about 1/3 green left on it. If the main stem is ripe the plant will not take in enough roundup to kill the tillers. I have found that at the correct stage and good sunny days you will be thrashing in about 7-10 days when spraying a liter equivalent, but you will have some yield reduction due to smaller seeds in the late tillers. Using a 1/2 liter of roundup allowed the late tillers to fill much better, but it will take 14-17 days until ready to harvest.

                  I often do the first of my wheat with a liter/ac and the last of my wheat with a 1/2 liter/ac. Gets me more yield, ends up being ready when the combines get to it, and less risk from the weather.

                  Remember that if you desicate all your wheat with roundup and gets good and dry once, it will bleach out badly if you get a rain on it. Normal grain drydown has more variance in ripening and kernal moisture, so you get only a percentage of bleaching from the rain.


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