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Clearout 41 Price drop again.

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    Clearout 41 Price drop again.

    New price this morning. Clearout 41 is now $4.35 a liter.
    Maybe next year will switch to RR canola since liberty new program is $10.28 lb for seed plus a tua agreement (snoop around your farm) but price of liberty dropped to $7.00 an acre.
    Oh well at least chemical prices are dropping.

    it is nice to see somthing dropping other than our grain prices. Fert should be on the way down soon as natural gas is the cheapest in years.


      Yea we helped them out in Canada by over paying for product the dealers had in inventory yet this year their not passing on the savings. We saved their asses yet we have to pay. HI HO OFF TO WORK I OWE>
      Watch the Canola seed debate for next year. Bayer's new program sucks.


        $7 lb seed plus 3 lb TUA plus 4.25 acre clearout 41 = cost $54.25
        Liberty 10.28 plus 7 plus 7 = $65.40 acre.


          Or one bushel of Canola.


            Was there some companies out there offering rebaits if the price went down?


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