Lawsey, charliep, you view an audit trail as a pox from hell!
If the forty farmers have documented that they destroyed their grain, the audit trail should look elsewhere!
They initially grew it.
If one of them sold Triffid to a seed grower in the United States,for example, perhaps that is the trail to follow.
Audit trails are there for the reason to follow the trail! It's not to execute anyone. It is NOT to presume.
There is a paper trail.
Read that again
There is a paper trail.
If everyone has done their bookwork, and all grain is accounted for, there could well be insect pollination.
In which case, let's learn from it.
We had direct contact from Germany one time about a load of grain. The audit trail was a path of discovery.
That's what it's all about, charliep.
It is open.
It is accountable.
It is about discovery
We need to look at an audit trail as an asset.
If the forty farmers have documented that they destroyed their grain, the audit trail should look elsewhere!
They initially grew it.
If one of them sold Triffid to a seed grower in the United States,for example, perhaps that is the trail to follow.
Audit trails are there for the reason to follow the trail! It's not to execute anyone. It is NOT to presume.
There is a paper trail.
Read that again
There is a paper trail.
If everyone has done their bookwork, and all grain is accounted for, there could well be insect pollination.
In which case, let's learn from it.
We had direct contact from Germany one time about a load of grain. The audit trail was a path of discovery.
That's what it's all about, charliep.
It is open.
It is accountable.
It is about discovery
We need to look at an audit trail as an asset.