Why parsley I'm surprised at you. An opinion poll? What people say and what they actually do are usually two very different things.
And there is of course the qualifier on page 20,
" It is important to note that these proportions are based only on those 50 per cent or so of respondents who give one of the three common logics as a response: those giving a different combination, including any containing one or more ‘don’t know’ response, are excluded. <b>So it would not be valid to say that, for example, 58 per cent of Europeans are opposed to GM food;</b>"
But okay, for the sake of argument lets pretend that this really is the opinion of all Europeans. What of the 42% in this poll who are not opposed to GMO's? Their choice is somehow invalid because they are not part of the "majority". I don't think so.
Funny, when the wheat board comes out with an opinion poll like this in favour of the monopoly. You argue that there should be a choice. Yet here it's absolute majority rule.
And there is of course the qualifier on page 20,
" It is important to note that these proportions are based only on those 50 per cent or so of respondents who give one of the three common logics as a response: those giving a different combination, including any containing one or more ‘don’t know’ response, are excluded. <b>So it would not be valid to say that, for example, 58 per cent of Europeans are opposed to GM food;</b>"
But okay, for the sake of argument lets pretend that this really is the opinion of all Europeans. What of the 42% in this poll who are not opposed to GMO's? Their choice is somehow invalid because they are not part of the "majority". I don't think so.
Funny, when the wheat board comes out with an opinion poll like this in favour of the monopoly. You argue that there should be a choice. Yet here it's absolute majority rule.