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Froze in Alberta Overnight.

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    Froze in Alberta Overnight.

    Reports this morning about frost in Alberta! Did it effect the late come after the July rains crops.
    How will the markets spin this.
    Seems Manitoba had major rain last night are they all done harvest and will this event just harm a few.
    Here is our area what I see.
    Canola last 50 to 60 this 35 to 47
    Barley last 90 this 86
    Oats last 1-- plus this 89 to 100
    Peas last 50 this 50 to 60
    Hrs last 50 to 60 this 45 to 55
    Durum last 60 this 55
    Lentils crap sprouted mildew, stained enough said.
    Flax big.
    I know the rain event did not happen this summer like usual and were still doing OK, Well I guess 20 years of direct seeding of some sort is finally paying off. Judging to swath, desicate and harvest is tough one. Some days you just have to, Today is one 127 Day Durum has had enought time.

    Dollar up overnight.


      We are a long way from finished in MB. Maybe 12% done on our farm. Most are in the same boat. Grain is just not maturing. The last weekend with the heat helped but some major rain this evening through here. Will slow things down for a few days for sure. To early to tell on yields. Just started the harvest. Wheat is holding. Especially the new variety Glen is doing very well on my farm. The early canola a bit of a disappointment. Spring frost and heavy rains took its toll. Huge amounts of soybean acres here. Like one expert from Ont. commented. Best crop he had ever seen. For mid July. Not mid Sept.


        Red baron your canola and crops sound like ours just not maturing. We killed durum today it just has to go or will be still green in October. HRS is getting close. Canola early stuff that froze hard not as nice as later fields with little to no frost. Wild Oats huge in some fields of canola. Also alot of weeds.


          S/F, same here, wild oats tooks over the last month in the thin canola stands, never seen anything like it ever. peas are good though - we have used up almost 50% of our entire storage on green peas so far. Wheat goes on the ground looks like.


            BTW, it frooze in this neck of the woods as well, frost on the canola we were swathing this morning. Light frost on the wheat swaths as well.


              sask3 can relate to your earlier comment. Desiccate, swath or wait. Some of the wheat the heads are almost ripe. The stocks are grass green. Desiccate and it will take three weeks to dry down if you are lucky. We have such short days unreal. So I ended up doing some swathing the other day. Knocked down a bunch of wheat. Well 1.5 inches of rain this evening. Sure makes you second guess. I also concur with the other comments on the dirty canola. A real issue with the thinner stands and late weed growth. What area are you in furrowtick Re frost.


                Cooled down too quickly tonight.

                I worry about tommorow night, just a tad.


                  N.W. Sask, North Battlford area. Frost south of here at Cando, up through Mayfair and north into Meadow Lake and areas west.


                    Light frost here this morning 25 miles west of Reddeer. 1 at 8.15.


                      Redbaron, why would it take 3 weeks?

                      I hope I'm not out to lunch here, but we are in the same mess. We are spraying, talked to the Monsanto rep today he assures me we can cut it in 5-7 days after spraying. Figure spray it, leave it stand 7 days cut it, and hopefully pick it up?? If we swath might have to lay 2 weeks. Have a neighbor who cut 12 days ago(a little green)and it tested 23 today yet. He is now worried to it might get rained on.

                      It's a real "catch 22" this year.


                        Guys here have sprayed wht over two weeks ago and are now swathing it down. We swathed wht and it is turning much faster than wht sprayed. I hate swathing but your monsanto rep is compltetly out to lunch and is just trying to sell you more round-up. Reglone will not even work that fast in wheat at high rate and 10 gals/ac. BTW that wht sprayed had 8 days of 28-30 deg weather after. Just food for thought. Ask your monsanto rep to pay the diff if you loose a grade. Round up takes 10 days before it even shows activity this time of year.


                          Last year used the expensive stuff at the best conditions possible and after 2 weeks still needed to swath it because the roundup had no effect on the wheat. And monsanto's guarantee you can shove up somewhere. No crop will dry down from roundup before the 11th day unless it was already at the ripe stage.
                          Snappy I cannot for the life of me think why your neighbor's swathed stuff without the rain has not dried down. Mine cut green one week ago is almost dry but a little shriveled, figure I jumped the gun on a couple quarters.


                            Or do like we do spray now and harvest in October same as normal. Still get a better grade than swathing especially when it is raining every day. Now wet snow can screw up standing grain really bad. But the Monsanto rep is wrong it takes 4 to 5 to start seeing some kind of kill then another 5 to start it dying then another 4 to 5 to harvest. Stuff sprayed today will be harvested on week of 23.


                              I think when Monsanto says you can cut it in 5-7days, they mean you'll get the weed control for next year(grass, thistles etc.). not that your field will be dead ripe, especially this time of year. just had a plane spray a field of durum for me, i know it'll be 2-3 weeks but fields sprayed go through a lot nicer when that time gets here. i have plenty of other stuff to swath or straight cut till then, oh it's going to be soooo late. how much will be left in the field over winter?? trade not talking about that yet are they!!!


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