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Froze in Alberta Overnight.

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    Bb, that is what he was meaning is that we could cut for weed control.

    If it's sprayed then cut in 7 days would it not dry down fastter than straight swathing??


      I need 9.5 fields a week to finish by Oct 30. One neighbor needs 15 plus. But the trade thinks its all rosy out here the crop is growing larger day by day. Alberta will make it no problem even if it froze the last two nights. The BS goes on and on and on.


        If you are that confident about the markets saskfarmer maybe you should buy the futures and be happy the mrket is confused.


          Snappy I would have to agree with the other comments that have been posted re round up and weeks to maturity . It is really slow this time of year. For the weeds it only takes a few days.

          We are also facing another problem. More rain last night. Over an inch and the fields are getting ugly. More on the way. Heavy down pours last night with hail. Sept. 10th and hail. Who would have thought it. Just when you think you have seen it all more comes.

          Agree Sask3 this crop is a long way from the bin. I am noticing the cars lining up at the terminals and no grain to fill. I think we are going to have an interesting next couple of months. I also wonder where some of these crop reports are coming from and if any have really taken a drive through the country. If they have. I would like to know where.


            North Dakota had 1.5 to 3.0 inches of rain across the whole state Monday night, last night they had big rains again.

            like i asked the other day, how much of this "big" crop will stay out over winter?


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