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The Crap is about to hit the Fan!

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    The Crap is about to hit the Fan!

    Well well well, we work our back side off to feed people in these uncertain times and guess what CHEAP FOOD IS BACK IN STYLE AGAIN!
    But wait in the grocery store its still up up up. Yet the price farmers receive is going down down down.
    Pork farmers get paid pennies going broke yet pork in store is selling for a premium.
    Beef in tank yet still premium.
    Last time i looked they weren't blowing out canola oil as a lost liter. 3 for a dollar.
    Seems only farmers who still made money the last year was dairy. Protected industry. HMM
    As I see it if the world keeps subsidising US farmers and EU to over produce Where is the incentive to cut your costs, Simply its not their, yea yea they watch costs like rest of us but no incentive at all to say to Chem and Fert companies go to H E Double hockey sticks.
    But as we start into this harvest where all the pressure is on us farmers who spent a fortune to grow a crop and each day we listen to the market reports of prices tanking and tanking hard.
    So whats a farmer to do, sit back and take it like we all do, Yes as long as every other farmer does nothing nothing will ever change. Price takers get the shaft over and over again.
    So to all have a safe and enjoyable harvest again stay safe slow down.
    But the clock is ticking only 7 weeks till November 1st.

    After looking at the stats Canada report their is a lot of grain on farm. Great just Great. Oh well lower prices here we come.
    Funny though if we carried over say 20000 bushels of CWB Durum to protect our best paying customer at 8 dollars a bushel. Now Ill get 4 for the 20000 bushels from our great customer, So that's a 80,000 loss by me So explain where I win in this scenario or does the CWB and the Great paying Great Customer Who wins.
    Great just Great.


      NDP Farmer.......is WHINING about the CWB, ALL you`re ever gonna do on this subject??????


        Isn't an NDP farmer pro CWB communal in nature? An NDP supporter would never dare bitch about the CWB unless he is connected with the liberals and switches with the wind.


          Yea crop NDP that's a good one. Yes one off these years we should hit the boarder and keep going. But like all we sit on our hands and bitch and do nothing about the abuse this organization has caused us. If the election happens and Harper gets his majority I think it will work. Ralphy would go down would also make me very happy.


            I still say a class action suit is the way to go. Bypass the politicians completely.


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