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Why sell any durum under series A contract?

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    Why sell any durum under series A contract?

    Just thinkin. We don't market any board grains for cash flow on our farms, so why sign up any durum this year? At least, for now, under the series A contract. If we really are half the exportable supply of durum, lets send a message that we are not willing to sell high quality, high protein Durum for under $5. We are used to carrying over up to 50% of our durum why not 100%. Let the CWB sweat a bit when no one signs up to sell them any until the PRO's return to a reasonable level. If they are like any other company and commodity they will have to bid up the price to get us to open our bins. Unless there is no other buyers out there. Damn I forgot they have a monopoly on buying our grain. They could probably wait us out but I think its worth a shot.


    I agree with you 100 per cent... Lets' do it.


      Glad to hear that some others are ready to refuse obscene prices. In the past I have a track record doing just as was suggested. For those who will chime in that they can't afford to withold production; please consider if you can afford to not withold production.


        You are right to not sign up any durum. 6 row malt is now projecting 2.72 we should not give them any malt as well.


          I am contracting 1/3 of my durum this year and thats it.. When statscan or any other ignoramus calls i will tell them my bins are MT and they can f*(# O%$... If i wasnt concerned about space for next year i dont think i would sell any of the worthless chit


            I agree with all. Jd i like the idea of 1/3 and ps on them. This is BS real full bour BS.


              Ha Ha Ha LMAO at posters on this thread. By withholding production from the market you are doing exactly what the CWB did last crop year and each of you screamed bloody murder about.

              But the difference you will say, is that it is your choice.

              In fact the real difference is that the CWB was able to actually hold 30% of the Canadian durum from the market. All producers had to carry some durum over and so the withholding strategy actually worked and while the price fell, it did not fall to this year's level last year as may have happened if they did move 100% of last year's production. Whereas, while the group of you may only offer 1/3 of your durum, there will be many producers who offer their whole crop - for what ever reason.

              You have repeated told this list that the CWB has no pricing power yet now all of a sudden you believe you as individual producers have pricing power. Ha Ha Ha!!!! LMAO

              And given the track record of flip flopping by some of the posters I would love to see how many of you pledging to only sell 1/3 actually move 1/2 or the whole crop if the opportunity arises.

              Wake up people an look at who actually has pricing power. Is it you as an individual pledging to only sell 1/3 of your production. Or is it the few buyers who see a large crop, and desperate sellers due to world economic conditions.

              If witholding durum is the way to higher prices then you better find a way to get every producer to withold production. Oh wait, that is what the CWB did. LMAO!!!


                dmlfarmer do you have clue???? The last market I withheld grain netted back to me within 24 months 6 figures twice over.. Maybe I have the ability to withhold my grain, and maybe you dont.?? If you think my plan is to sell 1/3 withhold 2/3 and then seed twice as much next year, then you are as much in the dark as your previous post.. As for stating to everyone on this site that they are a complete bunch of morons for trying to plan a strategy to deal with the durum market... NICE REALLY NICE.. I for one do not pull my pants down and bend over every time a new cwb PRO comes out .. Have a nice day.. GO RIDERS!!



                  When you write sentence:

                  "But the difference you will say, is that it is your choice.",

                  Either you haven't understood a word the choice side verbalizes, or else you ignore choice's meaning.

                  This is what you should have written:

                  "your choice, and choice itself includes choosing your business partners, because that is part of choice."

                  Any group of farmers, combined in united purpose, and good will, will excell any government marketing bully's benchmark.

                  Memorize that idea before the next time you spit out an answer. Pars


                    Perhaps there is one group that benefits when western Canadian farmers
                    withhold durum from the market (either as a personal management
                    decision or via CWB contracting) is North Dakota and Montana durum
                    farmers. Weighted average US farm price for durum in 2008/09 was
                    USD $10/bu (June 2008 to May2009). During the June to August
                    quarter, US farmers were able to sell durum for an average of USD
                    $6.50/bu. US farmers can make decisions based on their view of the
                    market/business financial needs.



                      So few people can see further than their own personal situation.
                      I have concluded that CWB supporters are in one of two camps. The first group sees the CWB as an equallizer for the majority of their neighbors; but they themselves market their grains outside the CWB as organic or through "registered" seed businesses. Make no mistake; those producers support the CWB largely to protect their personal special status that the majority do not enjoy.
                      The second CWB supporter camp are satisfied to see that no one can do any better than they themselves. These are the producers who say they can't afford to store grain, build bins and make tough decisions to just not participate in markets that don't return their costs of production. In the past these (usually) strong free enterprizers have frequently held their hands out for subsidies; insurance proceeds etc. to make up for as much of the shortfall as possible.
                      If you want to make a statement; cutting back to 1/3 isn't enough. If the CWB had nothing to market (for even a short period); then you've made a forceful statement. The many farmers who would undermine that goal; will continue to be responsible for their actions. I doubt they will ever see the damage they do to everyone including themselves. All we will hear is the whining.


                        dmlfarmer makes allot of sense:
                        1. The CWB should hold back production when the price is high so they can get a little bit more even though western Cdn farmers actually got less than others. We'd hate to sell all of the durum above the cost of production. That extra $10/mt on 70% of our production that the CWB got by witholding last year will almost equal the $100/mt that we'll get less on our other 30% carryover this year.
                        2. I'm guessing dmlfarmer will be happy when the CWB sells all one can this year when the price is low to reduce our inventories even though it is below our cost of production. Oh, but wait, I guess they should only be selling 50% of this year's production to drive up the price. Meanwhile, all importers are dummies and don't read that Canada has a glut of durum in storage so I'm sure they won't just sit around waiting for the CWB to make the first move.

                        dmlfarmer...I'm glad the CWB drove the price higher last year so let's see them do it again this year!!!!!!!!!!!I'm waaaaiiiittting.


                          choice, you must be interesting to live with. lol


                            I posted the WCWGA Press Release on Parsley's Notebook.

                            Your comments were good. pars


                              dmlfarmer choice the grain is owned by me the last time i checked i have to cover all costs associated with growing it and getting it to the pit. So why shouldnt i control what happens with it after. My us relatives that waited with the last of their durum made a huge profit then last spring were able to lock in a real decent price on 2009 production. What the hell did the CWB do it forced us to hold back 20% of our production then they sold it to our best paying customers acording to the latest poll for a here is the bid one, a loss a huge loss a huge f$#K*#g loss.
                              Dum ASS>


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