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Its Official

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    Its Official

    No more g-8.
    Bring on g-20.


    Good for people who export tangibles these countries need.

    Bad for everyone else.

    City folks perceptions on all things agriculture are about to go on a roller-coaster ride.

    Poor ignorant farmer who was to stupid to move to the city and get a real job as a relator or car salesman will be replaced by-

    Greedy,lucky sob farmer who had a horshoe up his but along with a farm.I wish i had a farm.

    If the libtards or conclowns screw up our relationship with chindia i will be pissed.
    If the new demi goofs and k-bloc heads screw up our internal economies i will be pissed.

    My bet is-i'll be pissin all over cause both things will happen.

    cotton, have you heard/read this, from cnbc?



      I've been following the bond market very closely for quite a while.

      The size and scope and importance can not be easily understated.

      What happens when demand for the worlds reserve currency drys up?

      How does the world make an "orderly" shift into something else?

      Will the "capital" of the world want to park itself in yuans,yen,krona,francs,rubbles or candos?

      Or in oil,copper,cobalt,gold,soyabeans?




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