Back in the early 90’s if you used the “World Wide Web”, you used Netscape. This program created a graphical user interface that truly simplified Internet navigation. With Netscape as a browser the Internet found an audience. This easy to use software started us down the road, which produced today’s information highway. Netscape was founded in
April 1994 and 16 months later went public (enjoying incredible stock growth). The company was often referred to as the fastest growing software company in history. Netscape’s future looked bright; Netscape executives even claimed that their browser would be the heart of a new Net-based operating system that could challenge the Microsoft Windows hegemony.
Then the “Browser War” started!Microsoft, observing Netscape’s success, decided that they too should have a browser and created Internet Explorer. Early versions of Explorer were a joke, but it was free (back then Netscape was $30) and came with every copy of the Windows operating system. Over time Explorer got better and when Windows 98 was released, it was also an important part of the Windows operating system.
Over time, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer became the browser of choice, used by the majority of web surfers. In 1998, AOL Time Warner, the current owner, purchased the company. On Tuesday of this week, AOL announced it’s going to lay off about 50 Netscape software developers and end development work on the Netscape browser. Netscape isn’t deceased yet, but it has without doubt, been defeated. With no more updates to the browser, its death is just around the corner. Before Netscape passes, let us all stop, and give a twenty-one-click salute to a great piece of software that helped changed our lives. --\\ --
Please note- AOL's actions are bringing about the end of the Netscape browser, but could be the beginning for the Mozilla browser. Several of AOL's software developers will work for Mozilla Foundation(
PS. PC World recently rated mozilla as the best browser. Another good one is Opera -
April 1994 and 16 months later went public (enjoying incredible stock growth). The company was often referred to as the fastest growing software company in history. Netscape’s future looked bright; Netscape executives even claimed that their browser would be the heart of a new Net-based operating system that could challenge the Microsoft Windows hegemony.
Then the “Browser War” started!Microsoft, observing Netscape’s success, decided that they too should have a browser and created Internet Explorer. Early versions of Explorer were a joke, but it was free (back then Netscape was $30) and came with every copy of the Windows operating system. Over time Explorer got better and when Windows 98 was released, it was also an important part of the Windows operating system.
Over time, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer became the browser of choice, used by the majority of web surfers. In 1998, AOL Time Warner, the current owner, purchased the company. On Tuesday of this week, AOL announced it’s going to lay off about 50 Netscape software developers and end development work on the Netscape browser. Netscape isn’t deceased yet, but it has without doubt, been defeated. With no more updates to the browser, its death is just around the corner. Before Netscape passes, let us all stop, and give a twenty-one-click salute to a great piece of software that helped changed our lives. --\\ --
Please note- AOL's actions are bringing about the end of the Netscape browser, but could be the beginning for the Mozilla browser. Several of AOL's software developers will work for Mozilla Foundation(
PS. PC World recently rated mozilla as the best browser. Another good one is Opera -