I am wondering what kind of luck guys out there have had with Clear out 41 glyphosate. I heard that this stuff wasnt as good as the glphosate that is in Roundup/rustler,etc. Let me know your thoughts please. Thanks
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I have better luck with it. Name brand guarantees are not worth anything so I go with Clearout so far I think fall burn down works better than the higher test stuff. Then that said I also think for burn down Round Up Origional worked better and faster yet but cannot get that anymore. In my experience the year I used that Round up origional the thistles were F!@# forever since and it is now 15 years later. Never ever got such control with the bragged up products we use now.
I've used it for several years. Big fan. Always gets great control and blends well with express. When prepass came out they did some trials on my land and the guy doing the trials felt the Clearout/express I was using did a better job, especially on scentless chamomile and hawks beard. The 1000L totes are great to work with as well. Now that the big names have come to a more reasonable price some of those packaged deals need to be looked at though.
Hopper when I stated helping dad 20 years ago I remember spraying Rup on his quackgrass and thistle infected summerfallow. It worked great for quite a while.
Now we preseed burnoff, in crop with canola and desicate the wheat. Rarely a year goes by without a glyphosate application at some time but the quack and thistle are still there, held in check but they dont disappear like they used to for 2-3 years after.
Maybe the chemical has been weakened to keep us using it every year? Or the summerfallow was a much more effective use of the chemical? Something to thing about while waiting on the weather.
Wow, I need spellcheck or an edit button.
Hopper when I stated helping dad 20 years ago I remember spraying Rup on his quackgrass and thistle infested summerfallow. It worked great for quite a while.
Now we preseed burnoff everything, spray in crop with Rup canola and desicate the wheat. Rarely a year goes by without a glyphosate application at some time but the quack and thistle are still there, held in check but they dont disappear like they used to for 2-3 years after.
Maybe the chemical has been weakened to keep us using it every year? Or the summerfallow was a much more effective use of the chemical? Something to think about while waiting on the weather.
I am really not drinking yet I just cant spell and am now giving up on editing my spelling. (I have 4 kids home sick so I will blame them for my spelling. Just sick enough the school doesnt want them but not sick enough to be quiet or stay in bed. Maybe I will start drinking earlier?)
With any spray you can make it work better by simply correcting water problems first. You can also add N-tank and it takes the "cheaper" glyphosates to the same quality as weathermax so the company states.But always always adjust your water. Omex has a product out called phix-it i think the name is but i think it is a salt based product just use citric acid it's not hamful and its cheap.
water quality makes a huge huge difference on performance of any spray.
N-Tank, phix , N-phuric, etc,etc. All use Monocarbamide dihydrogen sulphate as a water acidifier. All you have to do to compare one to the other, is compare the relative strengths of active ingredient. Or better yet buy a cheap electronic pH meter and do your own experimenting.
Just don't use express in an acidic mix. It doesn't like that.
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