Joe, shane, Ag-guy, ado - what are your opinions/thoughts on this product? We are going to get into it this spring after researching it and talking to farmers who are using it. Too many benifits to ignore.
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Furrow i think you know were i stand on soil health and plant health. Also i have said straight out that today fertilzer rates have been destroying our soil and this is why in the last 10 years we have seen fungicides used alot, higher input costs, and crops that drop yield if everything is not perfect. Also these input costs are out of hand. Its almost as if they want to keep you in debt so you have no choice to buy there products.
I have been studying this for some years now and the evidence is right there in your soil tests but yet retailers still don't except this. For this reason i stand behind these biofertilizer 1000% and this has to be put into practice before we loose our soils life .
With that being said what do i think of BEST. I think enough of what they are doing that i called the company and i am now an indendent rep for BEST and will be doing consults through out the year when possible and starting this fall full on. I also have two other companies i have spoke to and should be representing them as well.
With the three companies i WILL be able to fix any soil out there and be able to help in growing some of the best crops out there.
We have been working above ground trying to max out yeilds and the more I see products like Dyna grow and hopefully Best work, we can get our soil back in shape. We quit NH3 8 years ago and that alone has improved our soil tilth dramaticaly. Alpine does nothing to harm/improve the soil but is 70% more efficient than 12-51. I beleive by adding CFF to our program we will get results that others are seeing. I agree the more salts we add to the soil(fert,glyfos ect) the more harm we are doing in the long term health of the biological activity in the soil profile.
I heard about best a few years ago, I just wish I would have listened a little closer. Also adding 2-3% O.M. in three years is impresssive.
Adding more acres and iron is going to kill some of the farmers, but getting more out of what you have and having sustainable soil will be much more profitable in the next few years.
I have heard so many guys say this - "I would rather farm x instead of 2x", but they end up doing it anyway. The industry is pushing us to do so.
Thanks Ag guy for your opinions here over the last year it has pushed us to look deeper into out own farm and look farther out side the box.
This is just another reason why i wanted to represent this company. They own there own soil labto, so we can send your soil and tissue tests there. When we can send in samples the BEST reps can talk to the lab and the lab can talk to us. We can really narrow down whats going on in your field and focus on certian aspects to get improvments happening quick.
Now when i mean quick you need to realize that damge caused my over using products has happened over 10-20 years there is no product that can reverse this in one season and retials will try to hit on this that there was no improvement in the first year. there will be changes you will just have to know what to look for and we can show you. Most retails can figure out your bill faster then whats going on with your soil test.(ouch) If you adopt these practices you will not spend more time in the field thats not how it works . Your inputs will be reduced and a good average yieled can be attained on good years and even the bad. When canola on a good year runs 35 bu/ac so will you and higher but when in a bad year when everyone gets 30 you'll still be at 34-35.
Jay - Furrow and everyone else pick up the phone and call a rep and ask questions. It doesn't cost anything and you will find education is high on our list. It not like a ag retail that just tells you half the story, we educate you on what happening and how to fix it. We don't want you depending on us for everything if we educate you then you can see the problems and know the solution. I don;t belive in keeping guys in the dark so they always have to come through the door and maybe i can sell them something. education is key. And another thing if your going to do this don't do this 40 acre try, do 160 acrs min. Its easier for us to work with one field as a whole. If you just use it on 40 acre then what condition is that 40 acres in ?? Your soil and zones within your soil change throughout your field. And when you see it work and then apply it to the whole field you have a section that will be in year two and the rest of the field will always be behind. Which doesn't make sense.
Hey guys, if someone is telling you that they've increased soil organic matter by 2 to 3% in 3 years, your BS detector should be screaming like an air raid siren. The math just doesn't work. Even if every last bit of carbon sequestered by your growing crop was sequestered into your soil, it's just not possible.
All I'm saying is do your homework before you bet the farm on this, or any other new practice.
ranger what are you talking about?? that wasn't even mentioned ANYWHERE in this conversation.
Ranger do your homework soil micro oranismism and soil live have been around longer then human life plants have been around just as long, But yet most guys no nothing about them. The circle of life is very simple follow the natural circle and it pays do shortcuts and it will bite you in the ass. farmranger you are likely a guy who doesn't like new thing or change and thats fine. keep farming the way you do nobody is trying to stop you. Listen to your retailer or whoever instead of actual soil scientists or or people with PHD's in soil microbiology .
Ranger do this look up how nutrients are converted to plant available nutrients . look up the nitrogen cyle ect and notice how its done break the cycle by removing soil life and see what would happen. the cycle is broken pretty simple.
My apologies if my previous post was perceived as an attack against your company.
Quoting furrowtickler at 19:52
"I heard about best a few years ago, I just wish I would have listened a little closer. Also adding 2-3% O.M. in three years is impresssive."
I just assumed that furrowtickler had been told this by someone from that company. If they said that, then I would be skeptical of any claims they make. I'm not saying it's all BS, but just warning the readers here to use their judgment if someone makes outrageous claims about any products performance.
FYI, I will adopt new technologies that make sense and are proven, and I do think that the health of the soil biosphere is extremely important to the long term productivity of my land. The single practice of the elimination of tillage has shown dramatic improvement of my soil over the last several years, without the benefit of other any commercial soil additives.
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