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    Ag_Guy, Furrow mentioned 2-3% OM increase just above your post.
    What the heck is BEST? I looked at the website and it doesnt tell me anything other than "we are wonderful, our products fix anything, we have your solution" What are the products?



      Sorry to jump the gun but it blows me away at guys who say watch out for ag products. Oh and its not my company.

      To start biofertilzer comapanies have been around for 30 years some 20 some 10. If you added up the acres just in manitoba, saskatchewan and alberta that have these products on would be likely near 2 million acres maybe three. Biofertilizer it used all over the world from Egypt to Aultralia. Biofertilzer has been backed by some of the top researches in the world including biologist from the USDA. Soil health and life and protecting it from harmful substances goes back 60 years and further. Over fertlization was even mentioned back in 1921 and the effects it can have. This is not a new thing its been studied and talked about even before you were born.

      The problem been the effects takes time to destroy the soil life and lately we have been hearing more and more of these comments . 15 years ago weeds weren't this bad, we never used pesticides or fungicides 15 years ago, My fertilizer bill keeps going up and up but my yield doesn't, my soil is harder the it use to be , i have salinity were i neer had it before, i can't pay my bills so i have to sell the farm we have all heard these comments. The reason being is that what we were warned about is happening the decline of our soils.

      Biofertilizers 100% start rebuilding soil life and rejuvenate soils. They reduce the amount of fertilizer your killing your soil with. They can replace 40 lbs of in ground nitrogen with one litre of product. Everything in these products are natural and very high grade so small amounts are needed, plants love whats in these products and so do the microganisms. But they also found spinoffs like increased root mass, seed protection against soil disease, the increase soil tilth, they speed up decomposition, they can get rid of salinity, and the list goes on and on. And most of it is foliar applied so it also increase herbicied intake so beter kill. When you start bring your soil back into health your plants become less stressed and healthier. When this happens typically fungicides are not used pesticed used are alot less, You plants can deal with weather better and less fertilizer is used just like ot was 15-20 years ago but we keep todays yield because we are still adding the same amount of nutrients just a different way.
      take 46-0-0 its 46% nitrogen whats the other 54% 0-0-60 whats the other 40% and prills in the ground is one of the most inefficient ways to fertilize.

      Each company is abit different BEST CFF is pretty simple and can be customized to what you need . You can ad a little bit more or less of what ever you need. So if you want a half a pound more an acre of boron done, if you want more copper done without buying another premade bag of product that usually has other nutrients you may not want in there added to your blend .

      In the three provinces there are at least 5 companies that are out there doing this with huge sucsess. Guys are having more money in the bank, using less inputs, crops are better, soil is better and yield is better. Most products run about 5 buck an acre and maybe two or three are used, so your into it for 10-15 bucks an acre. But then your Nitrogen us cut back anywere from 10-50 pounds, P,K,can usally be cut back, fungicieds are not used, and some guys are cutting there herbicids 25 -50% so it's not costing anything more just using what you got better.

      The key is to leave your soil in better condition in the fall then when you sarted in the spring. If you can do this then what you are doing is rebuilding your soil, managing your soil for the next year, and making sure your profits are has high as possible and having that soil for the next generation.

      Biofertilizers have been around longer then most every product you use on your fields today.

      If i was sitting at your table with a group of farmers what i just talked about would only be about 15% of what i could talk about.

      So what does BEST do, they are in the biofertilizer industry and what biofertilzerd do they do. I've mentioned i have ties with another comapny to that i think do some outstanding work as well. Each company is equal just they have done testing in different areas so depending on your soil ect would depend on which company is the right choice on your farm.

      I do consult on this, I don;t charge a fee for this , i don't give away free pens and hats and foam drink coolers, i don't do discounts ( i treat everyone the same) I don't keep calling you every second day, I give you as much information as i possibly can then you have to make the decision yourself . All i ask is that there are a few people there like yourself and 3-5 farmers there to. Think about this for the fall.


        Urea, or 46-0-0 is 46% nitrogen atom by weight. The N in urea is in a form that plants can actually use in soil. 100% nitrogen would be N2 gas, and not much good to plants as a fertilizer. Same goes for the K in potash.

        What we don't know is what is in bio-fertilizer. If one liter replaces 40 pounds of nitrogen, I want to know how it does this. Is N2 gas being fixed from the atmosphere for use by the plant? Is tied-up nitrogen just being released back into the soil, like when we kill soil organisms with tillage? Can I read for myself the scientific methods used in their research papers to verify claims? Have these claims been scientifically verified by other unbiased independent scientists? If not, does it work better than pixie dust?

        Just wondering.


          When your sick and go to the doctor do you question whats in your perscription and ask if its pixie dust and say is it BS and ask for proof that it works, or do you just open your mouth and swallow cause he says it works ??

          You put more effort in argueing about somthing that can give you better crops and more money then your own life. 85% of all farmers who purchase these products never ask whats in them or pick them apart. they look at the history, go by other farmers buy it apply it and are happy and are repeat buyers. Dam rager your retailer must be tired of having to know whats in EVERY chemical, fertilizer pesrticide, fungcide, what the ink is made out of what the paper is made of.

          If you want to argue with 30 years of proven track record and hunderd of happy farmers and thousand of improved acres and farmers who are more then happy to give video testimony and over the phone references then so be it. I guess there are some guys who just don't need to make any extra money they have lots.


            When I go to the doctor, I make sure he has his medical degree hanging on the wall of his office. That makes him a trustworthy source. If my neighbor tells me to take some medicine, I would check it out with my doctor first. Does that make me a dinosaur?

            You did peg me on one thing though, my retailer knows I want to know whats in any product he's trying to sell me. I usually check it out with trustworthy sources, like the crop protection guide, or even some internet sources. When I checked out Best, all I got was what Ron summarized "we are wonderful, our products fix anything, we have your solution".

            My next question would be “WHY don't they tell you what they're selling?”.

            I had an experience back in the 80s with a salesman in my yard trying to sell me a product with lots of claims about salinity control. He was reluctant to tell me what it was made of, and I wouldn't even consider applying it without that information. So, he phoned his supplier, found out what it was, and after telling me, I found out that the active part of the molecule, that was supposed to do the job was exactly the same found in a common fertilizer. The other part of the molecule was Sodium, as in Sodum chloride, or table salt. I informed him that his product couldn't possibly be better than a common fertilizer product available from my local retailer for 1/10th the price.

            Oh, and he had pictures and testimonials too.


              I would be interested in applying just about any product IF you can point me to where I can actually read verified, repeatable studies or trials on it's efficacy.

              Is it so hard to supply that?

              ps Photoshop is an amazing program.


                I have to agree with the last couple posts.
                In todays world, if you don't have a website detailing your product from start to finish, don't expect people ringing your phone off the wall.
                Why would I or anyone call up a salesman because the website says "our product is great!"?
                If I am buying a car, I do my research before I walk on the lot. The only reason I talk to a salesmen is to negotiate a price, not to get the pitch and the pressure to buy.

                That all being said, I would like to know more about the product(s)?? or program??.


                  The web site has very little info, but the fatmers who are using it had all the info I needed. I would not even think of trying their system based on the website info - well there is none.


                    Another interesting soil amendment to stimulate soil microbial activity. The website link to the blog is at the bottom of the article. Thanks.

                    Raw Organic Milk Appears To Revitalize Soil
                    Thursday, 27 August 2009

                    Raw, organic milk appears to be a great fertilizer for forages. In a University of Nebraska monitored trial on a private ranch near Page, Nebraska, an application of three gallons of raw, organic milk to irrigated pasture increased dry matter production by 1200 pounds per acre within 45 days. Increasing the application rate to ten and twenty pounds of milk per acre grew no more forage than the three pound rate. On another unsupervised trial, Spalding, Nebraska, dairyman, Bob Bernt applied three pounds of raw organic milk to a portion of his corn crop. In mid-August, the corn on the milk-fertilized field was two feet taller than the corn that didn’t receive milk. University of Nebraska extension specialist, Terry Gompert, said University agronomists have no idea why plants respond so strongly to such a small amount of raw, organic milk. "It must stimulate the soil microbes somehow," he said. In contrast, Kenneth King in southeastern Kansas said he has been spraying skimmed milk and cheese whey on his pastures all summer and has seen absolutely no response. "I am pretty sure it only stimulates the microbes and that when they are working in high gear already no response will be observed. On the other hand, in a depleted or microbe deficient soil a response will be seen."

                    http://wincustomersusa.com/stockman/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogsection&id=0 &Itemid=9&limit=10&limitstart=30


                      Time to set things staight. There are 3 types of guys. 25% of guys get it within 15 minutes within an hour they are picking a ¼ section and they never look back. 25% sit on the fence they hm and ha and watch what other guys are doing, they get it but always find some way not to commit. 50% of guy will NEVER get it and will be a pain in the arse are are hope less. they find every excuse in the book to say it BS.

                      Here are the facts.

                      FACT- Been in bussiness for 30 years
                      Name me one company that has been in bussiness for 30 years that lies, cheats, gives out false information and has a bogus company

                      NAME ME ONE !! you can't

                      FACT -Ive been on here for over 2 years and not one person has said we have screwed them, it is a worthless product or anything negative about what we do.

                      I've tried it's so simple my wife gets the dam concept and she has never been on a farm. My frineds you have never farmed get the concept but yet most of you can't seem to figure it out. Its always questions or comments it's any excuse not to try it. Its to the point it exhausts me . tyoe a commenty one day wait a day for a response then on the third day respond.

                      We are making farmers money we are improving soil we are relieving plant stress we are fixing problems everyday across the three provinces . If you want in say it and if not not skin off my arse. It aint my land , they are not my bills, i don't have a farm that will ever go to auction. Either you want it or you don't. If your not sure you likely need a consultation, it's about an hour maybe 2 .

                      This just takes up much of my time so it's darren.soil@gmail.com and we'll set up a time to talk or meet.

                      have a good one this year i'm out and done here.


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