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    One last thing. Furrow you get it i can tell. I'm pretty sure you use Dy-G i would suggest looking at the complete program. We know how they all work togther but you may not get the full benifits by useing one product plus another compaines. No matter what you go with use there line and try not to mix. Knowing what i do you would likely have no problems but it would just be eaiser for you.

    Also when you use a companies program they offer you unlimited help, from soil samping to crop rotations to pretty much anything we can help you with for free. now if your using a bit from here and a bit from there it very hard to give that much information cause they do not know the other companies products there research or how it will react. if your in a program you will be amazed at what you get and its all included just for been in the program and buying the product. best has there own soil lab Bio has been dealing with the same lab for 30 years likely no one has even heard of it. I haven't talked to the owners of best yet but the owner of bio makes biologists and scientist stop and listen when he talks he has been mentored by the absolute best people and then went beyond.

    In my opinion i know the three most smartest people in agriculture today hands down. What they have don for agriculture is amazing and all three are on my phone and just a phone call away. No matter if it's chemical, fertilizer, equipment, new technologies soil plants you name it i can get the answer.

    Oh and by the way on the best website it says in plain english COMMING SOON.


      OK, I give up. We’re obviously not going to get a straight answer, and I’m “exhausted” from being ridiculed for asking for one.

      My own personal farming policy is that I won’t put some substance in my soil which is unknown (and unregistered for all I know). Period. If that makes me a “pain in the arse”, then so be it.

      I’ve tried things before that I was sceptical of, but always in strips where comparisons to the check can be made in multiple places in a field. I have the hardware and protocols in place to be able to accurately measure differences in yield, so I don’t have to worry about subjective placebo effects or wishful thinking clouding my ability to objectively assess treatments. So, you might not want me trying whatever it is you’re selling anyway.

      Sorry I asked.
      Good day.


        Wow, 30 years hey? Let me think, if you started with 10 farmers 30 years ago and it worked so well, the next year the salesmen would go to their neighbors and say "Did you see that crop of your neighbors last year?"

        If they did that religously every year since, why have most of us on here never heard of you? Should not every farmer and agronomist on the prairies have a warehouse full of your products? Why is Agrium still in business if you have 30 years of kicking their ass?

        If you don't want us to try your products just keep insulting us for not writing out a blank cheque and asking how we can ammend our soil with your wonder products. With your attitude and failure to provide data to those of us who are even mildy interested, I would say that the manufacturers made a poor decision on who is promoting their products.


          We are going to try the total program b/c your foliar product is very simular to dyna grow.
          Every one else I sugest very strongly to talk to ag-guy - (Darren) his e-mail is listed in the above thread, and get a list of farmers using it - take the time to call them, it will open your eyes and ears - if it does not, well some just will never get it.
          This is something not easily explained over the keyboard.
          Let me try this " By creating a healthy soil full of microbial activity and earthworms the soil tilth is greatly improved as is water holding capacity. The results are crops with a huge root mass that enables plants to increase water useage and nutrient uptake(more drought tolerant). Also the plants are then able to produce more complex sugars that help increase crop yeild and strenthen the crops ability to fight crop diseases and insects. Also plant cell structure is much inproved reducing lodging. Wireworms, cutworms and other insects feed on simple sugars (simple digestive systems) thus become much less a problem."
          When I talked to farmers who are using this "best" system this is what they are seeing - Higher yeilds - no lodging in heavy crops - No more seed treatments - no more fungicides - and no wheat midge damage. This is from farmers using it not selling it.


            I just want to say a couple things. The fact is you CAN NOT add 2-3% OM in 3 years. All you need to know is how much 6 or 9 inches of soil on an acre weigh, and compare this to the weight of residue added.

            Number 2, I have been farming long enough now using NH3, that I can say with confidence that my soil quality has been improving while using it. I think my soil is better than when I started farming, and this is really neat to see. When I started, fnding an earthworm was a novelty, and there was WAY less fertilizer an dchemical used back then. The soil would crust, the water would run off, and it smeel like plain old dirt. Now, under higher inputs you can't help but find zillions of worms, the soil smells like manure, the water soaks in, the tilth, and mellowness is awesome and all that residue is being returned. All of this while using nasty cheap anhydrous. And after only about 17 years. My OM may have gone up a per cent in this time, but the active om is the most important... My soil is alive, and getting better, all while using high inputs. In fact, my fertility needs are dropping slightly, as that organic matter releases 10 or 15 more lbs an acre than previously...
            I wish I would have kept soil samples to see the difference.


              There are many farmers using diesel exhaust and Saying that works well too... Why? Cuz thy are saving face and they are too damn embarrassed they got sucked into it in the first place. High yielding, no lodge crops, less weed issues, and more earthworms is not going to be fixed by some magic potion IMO. It gets fixed by balanced fertility, good agronomics, and no more tillage.

              With all due respect...


                Nothing but snake oil plain and simple.. I know of 2 farms using best, and they are literally 2 of the worst farmers around. To broke to be able to buy real inputs, so instead are monkeying with best and getting poorer by the year. I personally have offered ag guy to use 80 acres as a test strip for a couple years in our area (I would pay for the product) to try and prove if it works or not. He only responds to tell me it is not enough acres to bother with.. Ag guy if truly u believe in what you are selling you would still take this 80 acre challenge and run with it. IF your products truly work you would have 10 000 more acres to work with. It is a sham and I find it offensive that darren thinks that we are all fools for not signing blank checks.


                  You know, I don't mind trying alternative methods.

                  But if I were going to try BEST, I would never get it from AGguy because I'm afraid that I might sneeze some day and he'd kick my teeth in because he thought I attacked him.


                    Furrow did you do anything else 9 years ago while you changed away from anhydrous?
                    In 1997 I started using anhydrous along with a new 5710 bourgault air drill. At the same time quit summerfallow. My soil health and yields have increased. Earthworms are much more plentiful now. Not uncommon to have at least one earthworm hanging off of every shank now if stopping to check if any plugged runs. Used to plant one pass with sweeps and 46 0 0 and harrow packed.


                      I spent 25 years working in agricultural extension.I used to have a file called "Questionable Products".
                      After 25 years it got pretty fat. Every year or so a new miracle product came along and always had the same pattern - no scientific data, lots of farmer testamonials(often hutterites) and pictures of root mass etc. I've never heard of BEST but just following this thread convinces me it would be another addition to my questionable product file. You said it best JDGreen: snake oil pure and simple!


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