One last thing. Furrow you get it i can tell. I'm pretty sure you use Dy-G i would suggest looking at the complete program. We know how they all work togther but you may not get the full benifits by useing one product plus another compaines. No matter what you go with use there line and try not to mix. Knowing what i do you would likely have no problems but it would just be eaiser for you.
Also when you use a companies program they offer you unlimited help, from soil samping to crop rotations to pretty much anything we can help you with for free. now if your using a bit from here and a bit from there it very hard to give that much information cause they do not know the other companies products there research or how it will react. if your in a program you will be amazed at what you get and its all included just for been in the program and buying the product. best has there own soil lab Bio has been dealing with the same lab for 30 years likely no one has even heard of it. I haven't talked to the owners of best yet but the owner of bio makes biologists and scientist stop and listen when he talks he has been mentored by the absolute best people and then went beyond.
In my opinion i know the three most smartest people in agriculture today hands down. What they have don for agriculture is amazing and all three are on my phone and just a phone call away. No matter if it's chemical, fertilizer, equipment, new technologies soil plants you name it i can get the answer.
Oh and by the way on the best website it says in plain english COMMING SOON.
Also when you use a companies program they offer you unlimited help, from soil samping to crop rotations to pretty much anything we can help you with for free. now if your using a bit from here and a bit from there it very hard to give that much information cause they do not know the other companies products there research or how it will react. if your in a program you will be amazed at what you get and its all included just for been in the program and buying the product. best has there own soil lab Bio has been dealing with the same lab for 30 years likely no one has even heard of it. I haven't talked to the owners of best yet but the owner of bio makes biologists and scientist stop and listen when he talks he has been mentored by the absolute best people and then went beyond.
In my opinion i know the three most smartest people in agriculture today hands down. What they have don for agriculture is amazing and all three are on my phone and just a phone call away. No matter if it's chemical, fertilizer, equipment, new technologies soil plants you name it i can get the answer.
Oh and by the way on the best website it says in plain english COMMING SOON.