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Canola the Retarded Sister of Soybeans!

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    You throw westar into todays rotations and direct seeding you would not get 5 bus/ac on stb. If you did the 1 in 4 on smf, it may do O.K. at best now. The new varieties are not majic beans from some story book, there are alot of factors involved today that were non existant thirty years ago. I have seen 60 bus canola on canola stb over the past 3 years - not mine but in the area- same area this year is full of disease. Just saying L150 was not a proven variety even last year, neither were some Dekalbs or others. Guys last year bitched about how short and ugly some 73-45 was , complained about no stuble but it yieled good, fine but in this area it was a great year for 90% of the other varieties for standibility. If a variety goes down then, whats going to happen when... We need to do our own research on these new varieties - some are great, some are dogs. Some areas I know , it did not matter what is was, it was shitty. But some will still stand up and out from others - take note...


      Ya but the big guys/girls know what
      they're doing, then they get 70 Bu canola,
      per acre, butt theys metric bushels,
      lottsa bs bushels grown in our area 2...


        Furrow what I am saying is Westar had
        traits that made it a great variety. These
        new Canola's that are Hybrids are BS.
        Hybrid Corn vs conv big difference. The
        Canola hybrid is BS. Were now paying 10
        dollars a lb for shit. Do you agree?
        Because back in the day westar had a bad
        year it was 24 or 20 not 10 6 and 15 like
        some in our area are getting. Plant shuts
        down when a down pour happens.


          What do beans cost to grow anyway? Are they much healthier than the peas around here? No beans here yet as season is too short. Was expecting 15 bushels from the first field and looks like it may get to 25. Pretty sure westar would have been 10 and diseased and blacklegged even worse. Plus would have had to spray poast, muster, and lontrel, and possibly more than once cause we have been cropping continuous now a long time , do any of them chemicals even do anything for cleavers? We used to have better crop trials, seems they are all scewed to produce and sell a new variety these days.


            I agree with the new varieties not being proven
            yet, I loved 9590 but bayer threw it out with the
            bath water.


              How can they claim L150 has excellent
              standabilty I had plants that were 4 1/2 feet tall
              but when you walked into the field the crop was
              half way between your ankle and knee. I guess
              my L150 had excellent layability.


                so everybody squeezed up rotations to create the perfect conditions for a disease outbreak, aster leafhoppers blew in from the south and it's the seed companies' fault. classic. who gets the blame for the humid summer - the liberals or ndp?


                  Yes weather was the major influence in canola crop this year, however some varieties are total losers. Dekalb 7345 on adjoining quarters with 7375 and 5440 is half the crop, thin, flat on the ground.
                  All had same weather, fertilizer, weed free start.
                  Any one use Backtrack Investigations?


                    Jensend, you are onto something here. The farmer fully aware bought the seed, fertilizer, planted it, did not spray enough for disease and/or weeds and now its someone else's fault! Next thing you know, crop insurance is going to "make" them combine it!
                    I think there will be a healthy payout from Agristability, that program the farmers were complaining about how the big investor neighbors are screwing. From the sounds of all the historic big canola yeilds, margins should be high and a payout will come. Everything will work out fine, and next year's canola seed will be purchased before the snow flies. I agree that new wheat market will help rotation, but farmers are addicted to canola.


                      Hobby farmer I agree 100%. There should be
                      FANTASTIC margins if the yields of some of
                      these areas were what they were said to
                      have been. And crop insurance is also
                      there. They should also have healthy crop
                      insrance yield coverage. If they base
                      their year on anything more than their
                      coverage levels, I guess the seed
                      companies should sover the difference...


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