A novel idea $10 wheat just ask.
Immpossible before the internet but why cant we comunicate and agree prices at next to no cost.
Confidence is all that is needed and a then the need to sell every grain or produce more and more receeds.
Wheat is $10 but you cant necessarily sell all you produce.
We just need the confidence that wheat will be $10 tomorrow next week and next year.
Aim to replace what you sell. This is the way the rest of the world works.
Using the internet we could too.
We could not be comunicating like this ten years ago you in Canada and me in the UK.
Lets harness this medium and have agriculture which supplies what its customers demand at our prices just like everyone else!!!
FOS seems to disregard the customer in my opinion. I believe supply should be guarenteed as much as they want at $10 It is our job to make sure we can supply no excuses or handouts for weathere etc.
Till we can fix a price all schemes are doomed.
Why is it so hard to fix aprice we can all live with?
Immpossible before the internet but why cant we comunicate and agree prices at next to no cost.
Confidence is all that is needed and a then the need to sell every grain or produce more and more receeds.
Wheat is $10 but you cant necessarily sell all you produce.
We just need the confidence that wheat will be $10 tomorrow next week and next year.
Aim to replace what you sell. This is the way the rest of the world works.
Using the internet we could too.
We could not be comunicating like this ten years ago you in Canada and me in the UK.
Lets harness this medium and have agriculture which supplies what its customers demand at our prices just like everyone else!!!
FOS seems to disregard the customer in my opinion. I believe supply should be guarenteed as much as they want at $10 It is our job to make sure we can supply no excuses or handouts for weathere etc.
Till we can fix a price all schemes are doomed.
Why is it so hard to fix aprice we can all live with?