Doubt they will completely bury it but they are setting up an alternative to the swift system,one more piece of evidence the world is going bipolar.
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Listenned to bnn in the bachground today
Appears lots of production coming online all over the world
The drilling rigs being idled are just the virtical ones. Horizontal drillers all working.
Fracking technology is the culprit.
Looks like oil should remain under 50 possibly nip at sub 40. At a new level. Ex wifes hou account is****ed forever.
China and the world is becoming more energy efficient. So expected oil demand is softenning.
Most metals pressured lower. Many miners in the red so not sure how sustainable that is. Usa trying to short canadian banks. Them shorts will be ****ed as they always have been before. Our banks are strongest ever all. Vw bought some ballard technology on fuel cells today. Converts fuel to electricity by some sort of chemical process. I dont understand why the teamsters are targetting cp they should get ordered back to work. Maybe they just need a holiday. No grains news.
Ethanol stocks continue to soar up about 25%. Refiners appear resisting using ethanol given the current cheap oil prices.
hopper , not sure where you mean, horizontal rigs all working ? nothing can be farther from the truth in canada ? there are hardly any vertical wells drilled in b.c, Alberta and Sask ,anymore, from my experience, and most of the pad ,horizontal, jobs have shut down since xmas, or are they talking worldwide ?
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