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$15.00 BSH for Wheat_

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    $15.00 BSH for Wheat_

    Hello, did I wake you up? Sorry I do not know when we will see $15.00 for Wheat. Probably when we have to pay $1000 for 48-0-0. I was just wondering if we have nobody in our round (inculding moderators) that can answer my question on Cycocel (CCC), growth regulator.

    Sorry for the delay .. I have not worked a lot with winter wheat and growth regulators other than playing around with "Cerone" on barley in the early 80's.

    I have forwarded your inquiry to the many other contacts I have and I'm confident we'll get some more answers.... I'll post them as soon as I get them...

    Again, sorry for the delay


      Thank you, Cerone on Wheat has not the same effect as CCC. Also, I hear that Cerone may be pulled.


        Don't have all the answers yet as I await some further replies but here's some comments and questions to date.... It appears Cycocel is used primarily in ornamental crops in greenhouses .. I have checked with BASF, the manufacturer, who will be providing more detail on where they're at ... There is a suggestion Bayer may be bringing a new growth regulator onto the market to replace Cerone ... checking into this as well ... Some of my Manitoba counterparts are questioning the need for a growth regulator with the advent of some semi-dwarf varieties ... which variety are you growing and have you looked at these other varieties?
        Will pass on any other comments I get


          Hello Emile,

          Thank you for working on this. WE use CCC on CDC Clair WW on irrihation. Seeding rates of 350 seeds/m/2, plant counts of 330 - 340 m/2 lat Oct., previous crop peas.
          N rates of up to 150 N applied, yields 100 - 140 Bsh/acre.

          We use .250 l/acre CCC applied at Z12-21 with 2,4D plus Refine extra and 10 lbs/acre 28-0-0.

          We feel that we get less straw and stronger stems with CCC and less lodging. The impact of CCC at our location at 840 m NN is much different then at 0-250 m NN in Europe, thats why we use sharply reduced rates.


            It would appear that while there are other possible growth regulator products out there, manufacturers tell me there is little market demand out there. As a result, it is difficult for them to develop or supply this market.
            Bayer has a product called Ethrel... It has a national label for spring cereals but limited market demand has limited it's availability.
            What about shorter varieties like Falcon or Raptor? The data I've looked at rates these varieties as VG for lodging.
            Will continue to dsend more as I get it


              I use CCC in UK on winter wheat this is when we use higher rates and two applications.
              Used early it can manage tillering and later reduces straw length, but like you, we use it on nearly all varieties because it does give straw strength and reduce lodging. Some varietiy do seem less tolerant and can yeild less treated.

              Temp when applying is critical to dose and wetter to get chemical in plant important.
              Tank mixing with herbs will help but will be different with each product.

              Many wonderful, according to manufactures, new products but all too expensive here in my opinion.

              Stick with CCC if you can.

              The fungicide Tebuconisole called Folicur here has a growth reg effect. We applied at 0.1l/ha every 14 days 5sprays in total after Z31 and got a similar result to CCC and clean crop.

              Do you need to use a fungicide?


                Ianben, we only have one fungized, Propiconazole, sold as Tilt. Normally, on dryland yields are low, 30-40 Bushel/acre. Related to water as yield limiter. On irrigation, high managment has not cought up, since our growing season is fast but short and managment has to be on the dot, two three days delay will effect results. Also, registrations for plant protection products is very difficult. Producers are not given good info and are (have) not pressing for high yield managment tools with very low returns on grains over the past ten years. Also, we are nicely sucked by the Chem. Mafia ( the CCC I bought for 2002 cost me three times as I could have bought it in the UK. (This may give me some minus points in the industry)

                Pretty frustrating. I receive most of my info from UK and Germany. Thank you for your info, where in the UK are you?


                  I grown in dryer east but fungicide used on nearly every acre.
                  farm near Liverpool on west coast. Most grain
                  Newer Strobulirons are amazing. Yeild increase without being able to see problem.
                  1/2 ton/acre common but the chem guys charge accordingly.

                  I thought you could get tebuconisole over there as it is good for Fusarium on the ear.

                  Used at green bud over here on canola growth reg effect can be spectacular.

                  Price /litre is just a little more than tilt but definatly better value


                    Took a while but here's the rest of the story on Cycocel .. BASF holds the registration. The label (for use in winter wheat) can be found on the PMRA website..
                    BASF contacts tell me the product is still available through Plant Products Inc. (905-793-7000) who distribute it to local retailers.
                    Lots of specifics on varieties and timing are contained on the label.
                    Many of my contacts are surprised that Cycocel is being used as newer varieties do not have the same lodging problems that Norstar did.
                    It may be worthwhile investigating some of these newer varieties like Raptor, Falcon, Osprey, and AC Radiant.


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