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    Are you unwilling to post what the name or nature of your product is because of some fear that it will be shot down or what?

    If it is truly as good as you say, you wouldn't keep talking in code.

    How about you tell us what it is about, and if you can back up your claims with some facts - we will buy it from you.

    Sound good?


      The product is called B.E.S.T. Am I correct Darren. You state that you will be able to use 60 lbs of actual N used in 28-0-0 and make it work like 120 lbs of 46-0-0. Well that is also basically 60 lbs of actual N, so I do not get the gain. Product works for heat stress and drought stress and low fertility and salinity. Skip you inoculants, no fert, fixes everything. Use it in your spray, fert, seed treatment, inoculant, etc. it does everything. It is called SNAKE OIL. There will be no randomized trials or scientific experiments, just a few field trials that show huge response to the product. Or there will be pictures of huge roots mass differances, but the darn grower harvested the field early and they missed the yield data, but the farmers said he could only make 2 passes with his combine instead of the 3 passes he could make on the untreated. If it worked as stated, someone would complete the scientific work required for a registration. With high grain prices this type of stuff will be coming out of the woodwork.


        yep, not too many suckers posting on this site!
        your sales tactics are obvious, get talking one on one with a farmer and make him think he is getting "in" on some miracle product. Then you convince him he is smarter than everyone else and give him a little dose of the "evil company" story.

        You are in the wrong place Darren the internet is our best protection from misinformation and scams such as your product.


          hear how it goes the ones that have contacted me are SERIOUS about increasing yield fixing soil problems and helping change the way they farm for the better. The ones who don't are not serious and will never be and frankly i do not want to work or sell you anything. If i walked around with my fingers in my ears i would be a pretty ignorant person. Old saying goes run with the pack or play on the porch.

          The one good thing about you guys responding on here is that it only takes a few minutes of my time to respond and that gives me more time to talk and help the serious farmers.

          And bgmb you said earlier that nutrients don't come out of thin air and small amounts come with rain See this is what i mean bgmb air is 80% NITROGEN so unles you no of to elements that share the same name as nitrogen please fill in.

          And if can't take the time to email me then plzz don't waste my time or if your not serious plzzz don't contact me. I have lots of other farmers that are.

          We have been around doing this for over 29 years and have over 250,000 acres under our belt. And many guys have been with us for that long.

          So if your serious contact me and if not i will be reading your response later.


            So I guess anyone who is interested in the actual scientific backup for the products they buy are not SERIOUS farmers?

            Serious farmers shouldn't ask tough questions?

            That is good selling.

            Good luck with that.


              Just because a product is used on X amount of acres does not mean it should be used or has any net benifit to the bottom line. Take discers for instance. Most would agree that zero till is likely a better practice, yet 100s of thousands of acres are still seeded with discers. It is amazing what a good story will sell. Spend your money on N and seeding date and weed control timing.


                This is a joke Darren,

                You say if I'm serious I should contact you.

                I say if your product has any merit at all you would have unbiased trials available for all to see and you would be actively promoting it.

                If your product does what you say it does then all you need to do is create a website with data showing the benefits and an explanation of the science behind your product and you would sell millions of acres per year.

                The fact you have been doing this for 29 years and only have 250,000ac tells me your product doesn't do much of anything or you are just really really bad at selling it... or both.


                  DO NOT OVERLOOK THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL/CROP HEALTH. We have broke from the traditional "pound the fert down" attitude a long while ago. We are using a combination a products that are improving yeilds, soil and plant health without high fert rates. Dynagro,GRX, and alpine are the three products that have vastly improved the effeciency of both our farm and our crops.
                  What Darren is proposing may not be snake oil, contact him and try a few split feilds to see if this is legit - I know I will - why would you not?
                  We were told by very prominant fert experts that Alpine would not provide enough P and that we would be "mining the soil". Well those same people are now looking at Alpine. We were told the same on Dynagrow - But it works - hands down 15- 20% increase in peas.
                  GRX is a plant growth hormone that increases root mass and uptake of nutrients - so far an easy 10% yeild bump for $3/ac, good returns at todays prices.
                  I think the traditional wisdom does need to be challenged. NH3 is very hard on soil health, and dry fert is high in salt - fact. Phos effeciency is very low.JMO. Some times it pays to think outside the box and try to look at nutrients in a different way. If you can make a crop healthy it will handle stress much better, I have seen it on our own farm. I would call darren, what have you got to loose? Fert prices are not going to come down in the foreseeable future so making fert more effecient is going to be crucial.


                    I sell Dyna gro. When i talk about serious it's not to tick anyone off. It's to make you think is there another way or a better way. I use to be with a crop consulting company and sure there way isn't for anyone but it worked. I was a sales agronomist and i just didn't like what i seen. But what i did see is alot of wool being pulled over farmers eyes hey i did it myself. Guys who aren't serious aren't farming anymore. But if your serious about looking at new and better ways contact me. I know alot of guys have got taken before heck i added to that myself. But i took a year off agriculture and hauled crude oil out in Alberta. I made great money and only worked 15 days of the month. But i found this company BioAgronics and everything they talk about is in almost every ag book. I went back to my college books and looked through them and it's in there to about soil health plant health microbes in the soil ect it's everywere. There are alot of companies out there starting to charge a per acre fee we don't . I've seen farmers been charged way to much for soil sampling and to get nothng out of but how much N,P,K,S to add. I've had alot of guys contact me through here. Some i've seen, some i talked to on the phone some contact through emails only and some said no thank you and thats fine. And someone said something about a poor salesmen. i don't want to be a salesman i've been to the courses and i will not sell you something you don't, need thats a salesperson. I am only out there to help. There is a gentlemen saying right on here he uses Dyna gro. Everyone can be skeptical i am myself but i will always listen to what someone else has to say. Maybe alot of you tried new things and got burned understandable but we have good products and they do work.
                    Just give us a listen


                      I agree darren - alot of guys should open the "box" and at least have a look, we did and found a new world.
                      We still use liquid N and S, but at somewhat lower rates and now use alpine(orthophos). We use Dyna-gro and GRX as suppliments to enhance efficiency of the fert/chem we use. Fact - we are growing the same bus/ac or more as those who are maxxing out fert with much less risk. We are sceptical as well but this just makes sense. We have tried "other" products that we thought had potential but so far only a few made economic sense on our farm.


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