Name calling at our age, how immature. Some guys remember when you helped them, others not. Best to just custom combiners when you are in a pickle. Then you don't have to depend on your memory to pay back. I know what you are saying Farma.
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Not talking about the show boats and fly by nites. Talking about neighbours and farmers.
I have plenty of equipment.
But I have neighbours that don't it's not because they don't know better it's because tough sledding here. I have helped them before and would if I was done. Free wheat did n t have proper swather for wet but neighbor helped. That's the way it should be and the way it was. Free wheat knows he needs a better swather dryer etc but I've been there it's easy for others to say what a goof doesn t he know? People use all kinds of excuses not to help that never used to be, things have changed.
Even with our different political view if I lived by free and he needed help finishing I would.
I wouldn't have the face to see him or his family later. But that's just me.
well to each his own , don't think anyone was talkin about free , although I have heard people make fun of him on here because he isn't interested in farming half the country and has chickens and sheep , as for us , we have helped lots of neighbors and 90% don't remember . helped a guy with cancer a couple years ago , felt good . the unfortunate thing is now that every hour put on combine costs big money .
Actually case I wasn t ridiculing what free has or doesn't. It was about the fact you d need a certain amount more of livestock than what was said to cover losses on the grain side. It doesn't concern me what free has or doesn't have.
And I never said anyone going to help for nothing. I ve helped some expecting only fuel and some paid the custom rate even when I asked just fuel. Some barter for other work. When I get help I expect to pay custom rate unless I be helped for fuel
Farma there are all kinda of situations sometimes enabling helps sometimes help helps. The point is being a neighbour fellow farmer or not? Or being a business self interest only? It's obvious that our masters the banks,suppliers, politicians etc have influenced the changes not just to the look of the farm but the attitude.
But hey excuse the comment I made it's a change I don't like but it's gone forward past return.
I don't support helping idiots that as I said are show boating or fly by night get rich over night ers that don't know what the hell is going on.
I was and am talking about farmers that are true neighbors and friends just trying to make a living.
Haha well we have something in common then.
Not a good excuse but was having a bad day weather wise.!
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