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    BASF plot guide-rep. claims soybeans will germinate and continue to grow totally underwater for up to three weeks. That's not a bad little animal to have on the farm!

    Which rep ....I have one coming out to look at the Odyssey crap.

    When will I learn.



      They take a lot of water but they do die if then can't respire I can show you drowned out spots in our field


        Wednesday morning of Farm Progress Show, a few of us visited the BASF plots west of Regina on HWY 1. We did not go for the tickets they give out for the Show, as already arranged. We did go for the soy plots, and one great breakfast.

        So, Bucket, you now have two conflicting experts, Klause and a BASF rep. on the underwater life of a bean. Excellent saw off for a judge.

        As usual, bucket asked a really good question, and I wanted an answer as well from someone I thought should know without a reason to fib. I still can't see what either expert has to gain with opposing replies.

        I would have said more on the previous topic, but I concurred at the time with Mb(grower?) and his observation. My own experience has been with beans at the five inch height totally under water for a full week while draining off, sloppy for a week, but were transpiring again before drying out for foot traffic. They were shorter at harvest, but well worth harvesting.

        I still think they would germinate under water in soil if it was warm enough. A way to many issues with up taking cold water in cold soil.

        As to your question, bucket, I believe it was Josh (something). Not great with names, but has a generational farming family between Craik and Davidson.


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