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Canola? Rain makes MUD and Observations from the Road!

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    Canola? Rain makes MUD and Observations from the Road!

    Canola is shutting down was the big surprise for me in my travels this weekend. I went From Regina to Canora to Hudson bay over to Nipawin to Tisdale over to Green water Wadena and back to City.
    Early seeded is shutting down and then the middle seeded looks flooded out from not bad to WTF bad. Then the late seeded is the nicest so far. Tall but from what I observed when I stopped it seems a dry early spring meant the crop flowered early and it isn't the nicest I have seen in this area. Yes its tall yes some spots real thick but not the best. Lentils and water is the name of the game, some have sprayed up to three times and I still think most are going to be really disappointed with the final out come. Peas and wheat and this tall tall barley year barley will lodge and that is not big yield results but a mess.
    Rain is not a good thing if it keeps going like it has since the may long weekend. For those who haven't lived in this shit, just wait till harvest. Yea running a combine in mud to harvest peas that the header sticks to the clay and then you have earth tag etc. Swathing with lightest machine so it can actually get around the field. putting triples and duals on every thing just to get a crop off.
    Oh yea we live in Canada the days are getting shorter.
    Water in excess destroy minds farms lives crops etc.
    It is still early but if the pattern doesn't change harvest will be known as the harvest from hell part two.


    Sounds like bitching about reality or just stating facts?

    It's going to be a bad wake up call for some.

    Three passes of fungicide for guys around here with John deere lentils and knowing there is 2 inches of rain coming.

    The fungicide rep earned his bonus....the farmer.... well they might hand deliver his rebate cheque. ... but I bet the reps bonus cheque is bigger....know what I'm saying?


      Yea the reps check will be really nice this year. Job well done boys you got them even if the rain continued. See in 2010 we could of sprayed the wheat two three times and still would have had a shit result. It supress disease not controls. Also heavy rain like I have seen that hit estavan and Yorkton Yesterday doesn't give bigger yields it takes away yields. Field that look from road as still green will turn yellow in spots and by fall those spots will be dead.
      Excess rain destroys crops, it doesn't make them thicker.



        And you are saying that rain may still destroy a crop even though you spray as told?

        That's an amazing revelation?

        Any chemical reps lurkers that want to dispell the fact?


          If it keeps raining like it is all the spray in the world won't help it out.
          Tell the world you have a bumper and Mother Nature will show you who is in charge!



            Maybe we can get pictures of the bumper crop after this rain.

            Hows the saying go ...counting chicken's before they hatch?

            And telling the world it's even bigger....

            Serenity now....serenity now....


              Most guys around here have already lost 10 percent of every field and that is usually the highest production area of the field.

              2 to 4 inches of rain won't make it better nor will that extra fungicide application.


                Man, you guys are complainers! We drove from Qu'Appelle to Moose Jaw and have never seen more beautiful crops. Mid-July, lentils are half-podded - canary lush - not many other cereals, but what's there is a dream. Plants pulled showed very little disease. There are lots of spray tracks everywhere. We're gonna get this big one in the bin, like we have since 1972. We are at 6-71/2 inches now - depending on what land, since May long. Rouleau area got about double the rain and we only saw one small drowned out spot in our travels. Too bad Estevan and Yorkton got hit yesterday - In 2011, June 30 to July 1 we got 11 1/4 inches, just saying.

                Farming has never been a cakewalk, but we also have never seen such potential around here. Every bin aerated will help us out. Weather changes, let Mother Nature get it out of the system now. Good Luck all!


                  .06 inches in the last two days. About a half mile visibility in fog this morning. Not losing any crop to drown outs but am real concerned about the relentless conditions for disease. I hope we get very little rain out of this system, we don't need any and am quite sure the crop would finish nicely with what is in the soil. I would gladly sacrifice afew bushels of yield for quality. Something is telling me I won't have both volume and quality this fall, maybe fewer bushels and poorer quality.

                  Another post talks about yield estimates....I'm not going there. I have no ****ing idea. Peas look like they may be the best we've ever had, still standing and don't look sick from the road(no brown patches or yellowing in places you would't expect it, alkali spots) Lots of heads in the cereal crops. Flag on durum is diseased. Canola looks ****ing awesome(for here). Headlands of cereals are lodging...some areas of fields lodged but made an attempt to stand back up, only .22 inches of rain and a wind with it was enough to lodge some spots. Overall can't complain(yet) other than I would like to see a dry trend for a bit. Then turn the tap off for harvest.....ya ya I know, getting ahead of myself again.


                    Wow!!! Estevan sure got nailed yesterday! 125 mm in less than 3 hours. You don't have to drive to the lake - the lake will come to you. I saw some photos and videos.


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