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Well thats a Wrap!

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    Well thats a Wrap!

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ID:	777372

    Well the harvest from hell has turned for some into the miracle November. Late last night we hit the last field of Canola and finally finished harvesting the 2016 Crop.

    Wow mother nature can be a bitch and this year is no exception.

    We started in Early August on peas got them off in record time then on to wheat and barley. Things were moving fast so even had a plan to be done on the Monday Canadian Thanks Giving.

    Well then the wheals fell off.

    October was a total right off with only a 1000 acres harvested and all dried.

    Then the weather changed and a door opened.

    Now I'm not saying it was easy at all. Hell not one day could we go before noon. Heavy wet frost and no wind. Yes the dry bin always needed to be emptied in morning. Most days start time was 1:30 and then you went hard. First two to three semis were tough, depending on how wet the frost was. Some days you dried all the days harvest as it never got dry. Then the winds started to ramp up and you believed it would get good. But the frosts and fog put a end to that.

    So yesterday on the last day it was wet frost all way to valley and then we hit a wall of fog. Wow this is it. But it cleared out and finally the last day would be here. Ha combine two had a code that stopped it combine one had a belt go and then combine three threw a DEF code and shut it down. Of course the Shop is on holiday hours and mechanic is 1 hour away.

    So you think look at the machine and do a hard reset on computer. (Shut the power off at batteries) Fire it up and ha code is gone do same on second and code gone. Belt changed away we go. Then in the last 80 acres the Slip clutch, yes Deeres F%^K up starts to go and you have to reverse every single 100 ft. Well we limped to the end and that is it harvest 2016 is on the books.

    Lots of crop was taken tough damp or wet. most in area dried some just put in bins.

    Good luck to all still going and those that also finished and those that were done months ago.

    No one ever said it was easy in Western Canada, and Mother nature showed us again who's boss.

    Off to finish a neighbour up today and maybe another tomorrow.

    Be safe its just a crop.
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ID:	777373

    Glad you got done and hope lots of others can wrap things up too. Still lots of crop out here. It was a tough fall with an early start and many rain delays. None has come off dry since the snow came. Some need cold weather to freeze the ground. Deck is wet again this AM.


      Yea as I finished a friend phoned from Saskatoon Area to say its raining. What a harvest. Last night we had lights all over the place from swathing to harvesting to ripping fields and burning and bunching flax. It was like late September. Unreal.


        Good job. Most are done around here and some guys can't stand to be done. They are out custom combining 20 miles away in Flax. The JD's called up a Gleaner guy.


          Finished also. Even the guys north of town that had 2 feet of snow on there crop in early Oct. Have been able to go this week. They might not get all there crop but it's amazing that they even have a chance to get some off.


            These reports should guarantee a price drop Monday morning.....lol.


              Awesome guys. We finished on Thursday. Making 4 inches ruts from on end of the field to the other but canola was down to 10.5.

              How much crop left out still? Over here vast majority will be done tomorrow. Call it 99 % on the mb/sk boarder. Dauphin area worse but they are going. Maybe 80% over there.


                We finished up Friday. Last field was standing barley just under 18% moisture. The wheat we did the night before was better at high 15's. Then combined for one neighbor into the early morning, he finished yesterday about noon. Then a bunch of us went to another neighbor that has been plagued with breakdown after breakdown, had 7 combines going but we got rained out with 60 acres left. Mother Nature had her way again!


                  This is my very first time on this site. I have followed it for about 3 years. I really enjoy the topics and bantering back and forth. I farm with my brother in east central sask. With a little luck should finish harvest today.


                    Good job Greenlane! I guess at some point we will all have to tip our hats to Mother Nature where she brought us a nice streak of November weather that gave everyone a second chance to finish harvest or wrap any fall work


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