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Canola Council's 2016 Canola Performance Trials Data Available Online.

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    Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
    Yea Beans did very well in our area also. Im thinking peas and lentils will drop in acreage and the new rotation could soon be 3000 beans 3500 wheat and 3500 canola. On the thousand acre trial our Pioneer did on average 5 to 7 less than our L252 thats quite a bit.
    Just Curious, was that trial straight cut vs swathed. Did the yield loss come from the shelling in the straight cut canola? It's hard to beat L252 in my neck of the woods too.


      Originally posted by tweety View Post
      It would be good for farmers to see how much blackleg, root maggots, clubroot, and alternaria have progressed since the 90's.

      But since net is what you're after, it would be interesting
      There was no clubroot in the 90's. And disease pressure on average was far less in the 90's than this past year.


        I just wonder , if canola crops were such high yielding, and we were told in the spring it didn't even matter what Canada did, and there were no real other wrecks out of the ordinary , then why is canola going up so much ???
        I too, would like to see a side by side trial with the old varieties before the gmo's . what do you think , CANOLA COUNCIL .?...
        I think we would find out who has been bullshitting who


          Canola council doesn't do any trials. None. Zero.


            I really don't understand why they need the participation of the seed companies. Buy a bag of each brand of seed and put it in the ground in several locations across the prairies.


              Originally posted by tweety View Post
              Canola council doesn't do any trials. None. Zero.
              Oh ? And why cant they do spme ? Thought they work for us ?


                I would bet Hyola 401 wouldnt be too far off the yields of 252 and 140p. Only difference would be the cost of weed control.


                  Originally posted by caseih View Post
                  Oh ? And why cant they do spme ? Thought they work for us ?
                  That's funny! They work for the crushers, you're just the silly little farmer, you keep growing an abundant supply of cheap canola to keep crushing and export profitable. Now stop asking questions!

                  Acres and yield goals! Why do you think they do them? Hurry. lets meet the next target as soon as possible. The earlier the better.


                    Their interest is to increase canola production to 26 mmt's at any cost to primary producers for the sole purpose to increase their check off revenues. At least sask pulse dropped their levies when checkoff revenues increaded dramatically.


                      i wonder if its possible to get old seed, thats legal to grow, and try a 40 ac test plot ? would be interesting.
                      as far as their check off dollars . I'm going to ask for mine back . i agree tweety , they do sfa for us . like the alfalfa and clover check offs , don't hear sfa from them either. wheat growers stood by and watched them declassify real good wheat varieties? for gluten strength that nobody supposedly wants , and supported upov91 wtf ?


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