Some major key growing regions of the country have received between 12 and 18 inches of rain over the past 30 days. There are large sections of the Pampa Húmeda where as many as 50% of the beans will go unplanted. Revista Chacra estimates this will reduce the total planting area by 700,000 hectares (1.73 million acres). It is estimating total 2016/17soybean production at 50 million tonnes.

You also cant tell me that the extreme cold in Europe and Russia with min snow cover hasn't hurt their crops.
USA seeded smallest winter wheat crop on record.
Canada didn't have as big of crops as stated earlier.
USA soy was less than they said.
You also cant tell me that the extreme cold in Europe and Russia with min snow cover hasn't hurt their crops.
USA seeded smallest winter wheat crop on record.
Canada didn't have as big of crops as stated earlier.
USA soy was less than they said.