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How early have you seeded, and was it the right move?

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    How early have you seeded, and was it the right move?

    It is dry enough here east of Calgary to start seeding. The surface moisture only goes down about a foot and then it is dry from there down to the 6 foot level and it gets wet again.

    Has anyone started seeding in early April, and if you did, was it the right move, or did a frost come along. I remember starting before easter in 1984 and the first seeding was the highest yield. I also remember starting on April 20 and having my canola freeze off on May 7.

    Getting that spring fever, and thinking that it may be time to start when there is enough moisture for good germination.

    Can't wait to try out the new airdrill hey poorboy?


      I'm not so worried about frost. I believe in aclimatization on my cereals. But 2 years ago the early seeded crops were ripe before we got any rain.


        Yes countryguy I can't wait to try out my new airdrill. The last 3 years in a row the earliest seeded crops were the best yielders, but early was April 24 and not April 7 like I had been thinking.

        I'm hoping we get more moisture and seeding starts April 27 into perfect conditions. I am tired of thinking of droughts in the back of my mind. Sure makes one wonder how the people in the 1930's did it, with the extra tillage they did and all that dirt blowing year after year, it must have been very depressing.


          Well here in Southern MB we have all kinds of people sowing different stages. Peas are going now because they won't rot here. I think if you are going to seed early use seed treatment & stick to plants that can take being cold. I do think it's abit too early for canola. Unless you have irragation going then maybe. We take ground temps here & 10 celsius at 1.5 inches is pretty good. Take this at the same time for a week. Also look at the trees an old boy once told me as long as there were no buds there was nothing going on in the ground. I have seen alot of weak frozen canola over the years,it just never seems to make a great crop if sown in cold conditions. Good luck


            I view early seeding as a good practise. With early seeding you are increasing your risk of damage by spring frost, but lowering your risk from late season drought / heat and early fall frosts. If you happen to get frozen out with early seeding, you can reseed -- this is better than your options if your later seeded crops are frozen by an early fall frost. Overall the research and farmer data from AFSC show that early seeding yields better than mid to late seeding. Also, quality is usually better in early seeded crops. Check out the seeding date - yield graphs from AFSC records on Ropin the Web


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