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    With the current price of canola and the price of canola seed it is getting awfully tempting to cancel the seed order and go to the bin for seed next year.

    Has anyone seeded Invigor seed off of certified seed?What were your results?Would you do it again?

    I am getting both success and horror stories so I am looking for a little more feedback.

    I asked that question several months ago and got no response. Hopefully someone knows something.


      I understand that the Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission is funding a research project with AAFC looking at just this idea. I think that they are looking at whether it will grow, what is the yield penalty(if any), agronomics and possibly oil quality. Call Roy Button at SCDC 306-975-0262 for more info.


        The Invigor's are hybrids, unless they have an OP somewhere. But just like the corn hybrids, the following generation don't turn out to be anywhere close as productive. My expertise isn't in plant breeding so I can't give any details to elaborate.

        But maybe this is just company bull to convince us to keep buying their seed.


          The results I've heard so far and this is only one year of data, and that's a 10% yield loss by going with a binvigor. This was a side by side trial done with a weigh wagon. Again, it was one trial so you can't read to much into it. The results may be drastically different next year. Who knows?


            Do not listen to the chem companies they are in it to make a huge profit.
            we are still getting roughly the same yields as 1970's when we started in it.

            its not the seed thats getting us there its the anhydrous at 100lbs.

            any way have done and will continue to do 1st generation seed. floweres a little longer is only thing.

            there blowing smoke up your ass.

            farmers have long been ripped off disease control is anouther last year 160 acres wheat treated field next not difference over the scale is 1 .5 bushels or 6.00 an acre difference cost 12 an acre plus custom rate 4 equals 16 loss 10.00 an acre and it rained every day.

            farmers have to start thinking, we are at the bottom of the food chain and as long as we do nothing we will all slowly die!!!


              One more thing THe local chem rep drives a Hummer!
              Chem companies are trying to shut down the boarders to farmers bringing in imports of cheap glyfos etc. most of the top chem we use on the farm have there patents run out in the next year or two. and they are worried.
              Farmers quit playing dead and start fighting for your industry.


                I have heard guys doing it it good results...the question is what value do you put on treatments...flea beetles and such. It is harder and harder to find seed treatments for your own use in canola. Personally I would be weary.


                  Seed treatment is available for 1.00 a lb it works just as good.

                  you sould like a chemical rep.

                  30 years of growing canola and work for chem companys I think I know what I am talking about.

                  but be like the rest of the sheep



                    I'm interested in your 2 cents, murray and emile...

                    I've seen it done a few times, with mixed results. I'm not sure I'd say "smoke up my ass", but, in most cases the hybrids didn't really seem to behave like corn hybrids... Seed treatment is an issue, but not an insurmountable one. I've had better luck killing flea beetles with Matador, than any seed treatment, in either case.
                    I guess I'm saying Try it and see. Likewise with fungicides, if you don't see a return, don't use them. I have, and will continue using them.


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