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nh3 prices

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    nh3 prices

    are there any nh3 prices out there yet and what region are you in. thanks.

    I put my NH3 on this fall at38 cents but I had to borrow the money to do it. Rumor mill has NH3 at 60 cents for spring.


      I have heard prices between 700 and 800 a tonne. I never got any done in the fall but have spring priced some at $725 tonne. So about $0.40 per actual lb N.


        Prebuy price for NH3 with tank in Fort Saskatchewan area $820/tonne. Please add more detail on the $725 price, that's what we paid last year. Does anyone have a spreadsheet or charts for nitrogen prices and costs vs. grain prices and yields? I'm thinking the target n rate should be 20% lowerish.



          The $.40/lb was fairly common on fall application... with the $.38/lb about the lowest I heard of in our area.

          I would be surprised if any one can find a spring 06 price that can be locked in at these values.

          It is good to know what NH3 did trade for this fall.

          NH3 in the US is at $550/t now in Iowa... they said that they were paying $400/t this fall (05)for what was going on the ground a couple of months ago.

          Here is a few words from the DTN article I saw a few days ago.

          "Besides being an energy source, natural gas is a key ingredient for nitrogen-based fertilizers such as anhydrous ammonia.

          Anhydrous ammonia now is selling for about $535 a ton in northwest Iowa, Sexton said. Producers from Nebraska to Indiana now are seeing prices approaching $550 to $565 a ton. At that cost, applying 135 pounds of nitrogen per acre means a producer would spend $46.69 an acre to apply necessary nitrogen.

          Anhydrous ammonia is the most concentrated application of nitrogen at 82 percent.

          Corn-on-corn rotations often require even higher volumes of nitrogen applications per acre while a soybean crop relies much less on nitrogen.

          Ervin Caselton, agronomy manager for Evergreen FS Inc. in Bloomington, Ill., said the bulk of fertilizer in his area was applied in the fall when prices were around $400 an acre. That still caused producers to get away from the corn-on-corn acres, he said.

          "I think that's shifted back to a normal rotation of corn to beans," Caselton said."

          I personally was/am surprised that US grain growers were getting NH3 at 400/t this fall.

          $.38/b is about $700/t @ $.85 CDN exchange that leaves $600/t.

          If $550/tUSD is the selling price Down there right now... that should mean you could find a $700/t NH3 price.

          Happy hunting!


            I'm in central Sk,and prebuy prices right now here are at .40/lb payable year end, I have a cousin who works for Sask Ferco, in Moose Jaw, and he believes from what they were paying for a kilojoule,this fall to now he thinks it will be lower in spring? Does anybody out there think we should be buying at 40? I wasn't going to but mabye a guy should?


              SE Sask prebuy $795 delivered.


                Look at the us price of natural gas comparitive to last year and year before look at natural gas in US storage and one will see that the natural gas price increase is speculative. if it stays a mild winter they will have to produce and sell nitrogen at a lower price than fall.
                But if every farmer listens to their BS that if the guy in fall prebought and had the money bla bla then we cant sell in spring for less.
                Well on 10000 acres I paid in fall of 2005 for spring anhydrous at the fall of 2004 prebought price. No interest just cash in late fall.
                Fertilizer is like seed they will screw you if you let them.
                Wake up and get educated on all imputs instead of believing what your local reps are telling you. Google Natural gas etc.


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