CASIP doesnt work just look out of 750,000,000.00 just sent our farm will get 67,500.00.
CASIP since 2001 has sent minus returned equals $4,200.00
We have been through good good frost drought frost good.
Total Agriculture budget is 5 Billion for canada.
Doesnt one wonder if most doesnt go to administration like the gun registry.
IF they would pay the 5 billion out the same way and scrap the jobs one would take the 67000 x 6 = 402,000.00
Boy that would be like an AMerican or a Eueropeon farmer.
Ha not in Canada we create jobs then give farmers the scraps.
Other countries its to farmers then they create jobs out of it.
CASIP since 2001 has sent minus returned equals $4,200.00
We have been through good good frost drought frost good.
Total Agriculture budget is 5 Billion for canada.
Doesnt one wonder if most doesnt go to administration like the gun registry.
IF they would pay the 5 billion out the same way and scrap the jobs one would take the 67000 x 6 = 402,000.00
Boy that would be like an AMerican or a Eueropeon farmer.
Ha not in Canada we create jobs then give farmers the scraps.
Other countries its to farmers then they create jobs out of it.