What I am talking about is say 10000 acre farmer would have to cut down to 7000 and spray or cult the 3000 for which if he sprayed he would get 100 an acre if he cult he would get 90.
This on our farm would cut
1000 canola at 35 = 35000
1000 HRS at 35 = 35000
500 peas at 35 = 17500
500 barley at 75 = 37500
Total grain out of system = 125000 bushels out of system
Rail ways loose $162000 in freight
Elevators loose $80000 in fake charges
Less Grain Comision guys needed
Truckers would loose $18500
Chem would loose sales of $63500
Seed Sales would be down $48,000
Fertilizer would be down $79500
Total less expenses = $451,500.00
Cost to tax payer and Drop CASIP etc.
= $300,000.00
Income lost is
$175000 canola at 5.00
$71,000 HRS at 2.2 remainder fall 07
$47,250 Peas at 2.70
$52,500 Barley at 1.40
Total = $345,750.00
Expenses - freight since its in price
= $289,500.00
Profit = $56,250.00
Plus final CWB in fall 2007 $56,000.00
TOTAL = $112,250.00
What this example shows if we did cut back We could drop to only asking $50.00 an acre instead of the 100
But look at who we would hurt by not seeding a crop all across Canada.
Since we sell on the world market this for a few years will help and then with one failure we would be way ahead.
Yes their would be some problems but just look at the benefits.
The hundred an acre would be a good deterrent to not seed.
These acres taken out of production would have to be the farmers worst acres. Marginal land.
This on our farm would cut
1000 canola at 35 = 35000
1000 HRS at 35 = 35000
500 peas at 35 = 17500
500 barley at 75 = 37500
Total grain out of system = 125000 bushels out of system
Rail ways loose $162000 in freight
Elevators loose $80000 in fake charges
Less Grain Comision guys needed
Truckers would loose $18500
Chem would loose sales of $63500
Seed Sales would be down $48,000
Fertilizer would be down $79500
Total less expenses = $451,500.00
Cost to tax payer and Drop CASIP etc.
= $300,000.00
Income lost is
$175000 canola at 5.00
$71,000 HRS at 2.2 remainder fall 07
$47,250 Peas at 2.70
$52,500 Barley at 1.40
Total = $345,750.00
Expenses - freight since its in price
= $289,500.00
Profit = $56,250.00
Plus final CWB in fall 2007 $56,000.00
TOTAL = $112,250.00
What this example shows if we did cut back We could drop to only asking $50.00 an acre instead of the 100
But look at who we would hurt by not seeding a crop all across Canada.
Since we sell on the world market this for a few years will help and then with one failure we would be way ahead.
Yes their would be some problems but just look at the benefits.
The hundred an acre would be a good deterrent to not seed.
These acres taken out of production would have to be the farmers worst acres. Marginal land.