Huge multinationals want seed monopoly
March 25, 2006
Okanagan Weekender
Jane Turnell of Penticton, B.C., writes that the introduction of terminal seed technology spells the end of natural plant propagation and farming as we know it. Monsanto, Dow, DuPont and the like will eventually contaminate every normal plant and we will have to pay for every seed that is to be planted. Farmers will never be able to save seed from their harvest and plant it the next spring unless it is treated with "sprouting" chemicals.
Starving countries will be at the mercy of rich, greedy, heartless monopolies. A perfect way to select who eats and who doesn't. If one farmer is coerced to plant the terminal seed or if the terminal seed company plants a field of terminal-seed-wheat in a wheat-growing area, the wind and bugs will contaminate the fields in close proximity. When the natural wheat is harvested, some of the harvest will be contaminated with terminal seed genetics. As the natural farmer plants his harvested seed the following year, his contaminated seed will not sprout, causing a loss of production. The terminal seed is again planted and more pollen contaminates natural wheat and even more natural grain planted the next year does not sprout.
Soon the natural farmer must either go out of production or pay for chemicals to sprout his seed, and if history repeats itself, Monsanto or its comrades-at-arms will sue the farmer for using their terminal seed. An added cost to the farmer and the consumers. After a few years of exposure to terminal seed, Monsanto will control all of the world's wheat grain, and us. And wheat is only one of the seeds to be contaminated with terminal seed. Every other edible plant will eventually be terminal.
Poor countries cannot afford to buy seed or chemicals. The world cannot afford to have one or several companies control all the crops of the world.
The chemicals that are used to sprout the terminal seed could very well be detrimental to human and animal health. No one knows the long-term problems.
Terminal seeds must be destroyed. Their destruction must be observed by organic activists, politicians, police and religious leaders. We should be able to trust some of these people. By allowing this seed to be planted and contaminating natural plants, it is a crime against humanity and perpetrates legalized genocide on a mostly unsuspecting world.
IMAGINE having to pay a TUA before you can feed your starving family! Farmers and seed producers best boycott the Terminator Gene, and more importantly Monsanto, Dow and Dupont before this goes any further.
March 25, 2006
Okanagan Weekender
Jane Turnell of Penticton, B.C., writes that the introduction of terminal seed technology spells the end of natural plant propagation and farming as we know it. Monsanto, Dow, DuPont and the like will eventually contaminate every normal plant and we will have to pay for every seed that is to be planted. Farmers will never be able to save seed from their harvest and plant it the next spring unless it is treated with "sprouting" chemicals.
Starving countries will be at the mercy of rich, greedy, heartless monopolies. A perfect way to select who eats and who doesn't. If one farmer is coerced to plant the terminal seed or if the terminal seed company plants a field of terminal-seed-wheat in a wheat-growing area, the wind and bugs will contaminate the fields in close proximity. When the natural wheat is harvested, some of the harvest will be contaminated with terminal seed genetics. As the natural farmer plants his harvested seed the following year, his contaminated seed will not sprout, causing a loss of production. The terminal seed is again planted and more pollen contaminates natural wheat and even more natural grain planted the next year does not sprout.
Soon the natural farmer must either go out of production or pay for chemicals to sprout his seed, and if history repeats itself, Monsanto or its comrades-at-arms will sue the farmer for using their terminal seed. An added cost to the farmer and the consumers. After a few years of exposure to terminal seed, Monsanto will control all of the world's wheat grain, and us. And wheat is only one of the seeds to be contaminated with terminal seed. Every other edible plant will eventually be terminal.
Poor countries cannot afford to buy seed or chemicals. The world cannot afford to have one or several companies control all the crops of the world.
The chemicals that are used to sprout the terminal seed could very well be detrimental to human and animal health. No one knows the long-term problems.
Terminal seeds must be destroyed. Their destruction must be observed by organic activists, politicians, police and religious leaders. We should be able to trust some of these people. By allowing this seed to be planted and contaminating natural plants, it is a crime against humanity and perpetrates legalized genocide on a mostly unsuspecting world.
IMAGINE having to pay a TUA before you can feed your starving family! Farmers and seed producers best boycott the Terminator Gene, and more importantly Monsanto, Dow and Dupont before this goes any further.