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CWB Price Spreads CWRW to CWRS

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    CWB Price Spreads CWRW to CWRS


    I just did a little quick comparison between CWRS and CWRW.

    The CWB is offering about $1/bu discount on CWRW off the Kansas Futures.
    On CWRS the CWB is offering about a $.50 premium to Minn. futures.

    About a $1.50/bu discount between CWRS and CWRW.

    Just across the border in the PNW; the world trade in wheat is offering very close to par between DNS 13.5 and HRW 11.5.

    I am being told by you Vader I am always negative.

    Well on my Winter Wheat you folks at the CWB want to take $1.50/bu off my HRW cheque... what is that for.

    DO you expect me to be glowing and positive about the theft of all of the profit on HRW for "designated area" growers earnings, by an uncompetitive monopoly that claims to be extracting a premium for us?

    How do we reconcile the CWB's actions...

    With claims the CWB is working for us... when they are destroying our grain farms, the environment, and driving me/us crazy... all the direct responsibility of CWB Director's actions?

    This little spread discount has the direct effect of massively lowering feed wheat prices close to a good $30/t.

    Which is 40% of our feed wheat cash value right now... and 150% of profits on this inventory.

    Vader; how can we afford the CWB?

    tom, I am really sorry the CWB has driven you crazy! I had been wondering what had caused that.


      I would encourage everyone to look at the daily pricing contracts historical graphs and the current premiums over both the fixed price contracts and the PRO (old crop). The premiums Tom4cwb is talking about have been reflected to some extent in the 2004/05 daily pricing contract.


      Because of the sign up process (June 1 to July 21 as a production contract with pricing after August 1), there is no way to lock this relationship in for new crop. I will have to admit curiousity as to how daily pricing contract values change as they make the switch from old to new crop. The new crop fixed price contract values can provide some indication.


        Should be 2005/06 daily price contract.


          Tom are you the same Tom who ran twice for the CWB and came in last both times.



            I am the same Tom who;

            Came within a couple of percent of knocking out Art Macklin,

            That stands for:

            The Golden Rule, which states;
            Do unto others as you would have done unto you,
            And the Negative Golden Rule, which states;
            Do not do unto others as you would not have others do unto you;

            The Tom Jackson who stands for:

            * Not infringeing upon the Rights, Freedoms or Property of others, and
            Keeping all contracts willingly, knowingly and intentionally

            * That for every wrong there is a remedy,

            * The end does not justify the means,

            * Fundamental principals cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship in a particular case,

            * Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law,

            * Two wrongs do not make a right, and

            * One can enlarge the rights of the people, however they cannot be taken away without their informed consent.

            Now... this may not make me popular with the CWB... or even you stubblejumper...

            But what does this exactly have to do with the issue we are discussing here?

            Does standing up against injustice mean we should expect to win a popularity contest? Especially at the CWB?

            How much time and money have you spent trying to reform and get the CWB ready for the new millenium... so it can be competitive and be around and useful in 10 years?

            Are you questioning my dedication?

            Is there anyone who has put more personally on the line... to try to change the CWB?


              No, and thanks for keeping up the good fight.


                keep up the good fight Tom....I also take every chance to champion the many principles you speak of, specifically in relation to the CWB......if the reforms to the electoral process ever takes place, meaning producers and sellers of the actual wheat were the ones voting in a fair and representative manner you would be on the board by now...


                  Northfarmer and Silver;

                  Thanks guys!

                  Many folks on all sides have given huge resourses to this issue.

                  My Family & I are but One force, we need everyone to honestly consider what will happen if we DO NOT resolve this CWB issue satisfactorly.

                  We will all be loosers.

                  I sure hope this is not the outcome we desire.


                    Daily Price Contract Values June 30/06
                    $/t and $/bu

                    No. 1 Canada Western Soft White Spring
                    $170.95 $4.65

                    No. 1 Canada Prairie Spring Red
                    $192.52 $5.24

                    No. 1 Canada Prairie Spring White
                    $192.52 $5.24

                    No. 1 Canada Western Red Winter
                    $188.02 $5.12

                    No. 1 Canada Western Extra Strong Red Spring
                    $201.02 $5.47

                    No. 1 Canada Western Hard White Spring 13.5
                    $232.59 $6.33

                    No. 1 Canada Western Red Spring 13.5
                    $232.59 $6.33

                    These prices are all basis Vancouver B.C.

                    Interesting that US PNW & Gulf prices on the spread; at the same px are vertually on par.

                    So how does the CWB come up with these prices?

                    I note PNW prices: (uswheat.org June 30 Report)

                    13px HRW for Oct. 06 Del.@ $222/t is up $60/t from a year ago.

                    14px DNS for Oct. 06 Del.@ $220/t is up $31/t from a year ago.


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