Hey guys, let the open market run its course. NEWSFLASH the big grain companies are gouging farmers, AGAIN. I say @##@them, we are going back to the old ways. They can keep their gas stored where the sun don't shine. Maybe we'll make it big with the carbon credits that are coming down the tube, maybe not!!
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SASKFARMER3, You know, we can go on for days comparing what you got and what I got, your deal and my deal, his deal, their deal. The fact is we are getting ripped off! Divide and conquer that is the way they do things. Guess what, it works, us farmers are such suckers. Maybe we should consult with the competition bureau? Now that will get results. Or better yet, we'll go offshore, yeah right you and me both. What are you going to do? Swim home with your pockets full of fertilizer. No what we are going to do, is cut down on the amounts we use, and go cap in hand to bankers and fertilizer suppliers, and pay through the nose, as usual. No wait enough is enough, I'll use the net and order some in from India, that should be simple enough... don't they ship with Fed X ... NOT!
Burbert, Why are you so negative you speak as if it is impossible for farmers to make money because we are getting screwed from every direction.
I agree farmers can get screwed if they don't watch out but so can the average
That's Life you do the best you can and the more information we have the better.
snappy, yeah me and all the orgasmic guys will go down soon and you dirt miners can move in and take over spread GMO clubroot all around. Right that'll be the day, boy. Lets face it you've got to pour on the N to keep going. By the way, you got to spray too, cause otherwise it don't work. Man you've got bankers, hands in your pocket all the time. I may end up going to YOUR sale, think about that young one..., If/when interest rates start to climb times will again get tough down home on the farm!
Burburt I have to jump in here after 18 years of direct seeding system fert costs are down each year organic matter up spray costs are down with less tillage WO and other weeds not a big problem. GMO whats the problem David Suzuki.
Yes if interest rates go up we will have farmers dropping like flies (organic producers to) but the big cities and their debt load buy our urban cousins on a fixed wage will be way bigger impact on the Canadian economy and guess what paying a premium for some food will be the first area they cut to survive. Artsy fartsies drop like flies when the money train runs out.
THink your comments through you could be the first to drop if intrest rates go through the roof.
Saskfarmer3, Your efforts are worthwhile, showing us, what we've suspected for a long time. Canadian farmers are getting screwed on fertilizer prices! So what are we going to do about it? Buy in bulk, large quantities, we may get a break, a special deal, cause I'm a good guy. Maybe save a few pennies, we all like a deal. We are all independent, so a co-operative effort is out of the question, and besides its commie at the best of times. Here's what we do, suck it up, use less, hope for the best... Each and every year, that is what happens, reality sets in. Should be a good year though, cause grain prices are up, maybe we'll spend a bit more and make it up on yield, plant more, get more, market smarter, round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows. Maybe buy some lottery tickets too, or stop in at the casino, roll the dice. Wouldn't it be nice to hit it once? Chances are better in the casino than on the farm, but what the heck the farm takes up our spare time, and is more fun, I love challenges. After all it if doesn't work out we can all start whinning at the same time, that'll get the government's attention and maybe another handout or two!!
I agree with Burbert. I agree with all you farmers but listen to this. I heard the exact complaints from my grandfather and my father who farmed and that is why i don't farm. Instead i thought making 40,000. a year and not having no RV or boat or brand new 4x4 truck and never going on vacation or a $200,00 tractor or combine big house, or cattle was worth it, but hey having $400 left every month for me is better then farming. THINGS AREN"T going to change anytime soon unless something drastic happens. Prices are like the weather deal with them, and try and make the best of it. Make your farm as effecient as you can and market the best and smartest way you can. using less N isn't the answer, using N in more effecient ways is. How many of you divide a quater section up each year for field trials to find better ways of dong things. How many use GPS on your Tractor and combine for yield mapping. Use software to work out bad yielding areas in your field. How many of you are loyal to a fert/chem dealer that you never check prices but you will shop all over town for the best price of a $20.00 part to save a buck or two. I know you guys get screwed over and i wish i was farming but i know what i'm in for, and i also know when alot of you farmers retire there is going to be ALOT of farm sales at once and that is not good for any of us. So what can we do about the prices that effect every farmer honestly i don't know.
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