and ado actually foliar is 8 or even 10:1. And you apply no more then 4 pounds .You can apply a foliar N for about 75 cents a pound so 4 pounds will cost you 3 dollars or go put 40 pounds in the ground and see what it costs you and it is the same thing.And 30-50% of that N will be lost and never make it into the plant. But hey i guess there guys out there who have money to throw away, must be alot of money in farming.
And whats this with the snake oil stuff. half the guys that had a snake oil problem is because they didn't listen or didn't take the time to use it the proper way. There's more to farming then fert and chem fert and chem. Some of the top yielding guys in the world use your so called snake oils. if you don't understand don't call them snake oils. In certain applications 90% of your snake oils has a puprose and will work. But in the world of Bigger faster cheaper they don't. And alot of time i think people are afraid to actually try something new and to follow instructions. At one time VRT and infrared mapping and remote sensing were all hog wash until guys seen other guys using it and making more money or having a better crop ( that hits a nerve) then all of a sudden it good. Open your minds and follow instructions try new products on a small scale. These companies out there don't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on there product just to get your few hundred for a trial. Why do you think most every huge company has a research department, to find new ways of making money with less cost. If a company like microsoft or fiat did things the same year after year with out change and didn't try new things they would be nothing today and struggling to stay a float.
And whats this with the snake oil stuff. half the guys that had a snake oil problem is because they didn't listen or didn't take the time to use it the proper way. There's more to farming then fert and chem fert and chem. Some of the top yielding guys in the world use your so called snake oils. if you don't understand don't call them snake oils. In certain applications 90% of your snake oils has a puprose and will work. But in the world of Bigger faster cheaper they don't. And alot of time i think people are afraid to actually try something new and to follow instructions. At one time VRT and infrared mapping and remote sensing were all hog wash until guys seen other guys using it and making more money or having a better crop ( that hits a nerve) then all of a sudden it good. Open your minds and follow instructions try new products on a small scale. These companies out there don't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on there product just to get your few hundred for a trial. Why do you think most every huge company has a research department, to find new ways of making money with less cost. If a company like microsoft or fiat did things the same year after year with out change and didn't try new things they would be nothing today and struggling to stay a float.