Thanks Furrow i'll try but it's hard with out farmers support and you know i won't get any support from dealers. I actually was selling Dynagro last spring but for what ever reason nobody seamed interested. I coudn't do it anymore it was costing to much money trying to make a dollar. If guys only seen what i do, they would know why everything cost's so much and they are fitting the bill. I'm just trying to put alittle more money in there pocket . There a few farmers out there that are stepping away from the pack and are finding out these things really do work and they do help. I have looked into dynagro myself and i have not found one thing in there that has ever had a bad rap. Anyways furrow i'm glad things are working for you and you have 10-15% more yield and the others have well lets just say not 10-15% more yield.
And lets not forget all the products we use today that at one time was possibly considered "snakeoil" and how do you get oil from a snake anyways LOL !!!
And lets not forget all the products we use today that at one time was possibly considered "snakeoil" and how do you get oil from a snake anyways LOL !!!