Oh goody, a Sunday morning challenge! You want more evidence? You want more facts? Grab a cup of coffee and check out these...
Over the long haul the rest of the world is exporting more wheat all the time while we are exporting less.
The average returns from the wheat board are always below the average open market price.
here's new crop
here's last year
Here's what this has cost western Canada over the last 5 years in spring wheat alone.
"I believe we are trying to sell wheat into a flat market."
Really? Are you sure? Because when I look at the April '09 US wheat associates supply and demand powerpoint presentation I get a different impression.
Slide 8 is interesting, lowest beginning stocks since 1978.
Slide 9 shows a pretty tight stocks to use ratio, yes it's a bit higher than last year but still incredibly tight.
And slide 29 shows that Global imports have been steadily increasing over the long term and dramatically over the short.
Now lets pretend that the market was flat(it's not, but lets pretend)Where is the evidence of the wheat boards 'clout', it's 'marketing power' and it's awesome market share? It shouldn't matter if the market is up, down or flat, if the wheat board were a superior marketer it would be able to get us higher returns than average open market returns. Which it hasn't, board returns are always below the open market average.
"What impact of the credit crunch and the reluctance of buyers to forward price and take delivery had on both crops?"
For all intents and purposes I would think it would be pretty much the same. Yet canola is moving like crazy and board crops are behind.
"I put forward the deregulation of the Australian market resulted in an early flood of wheat on the market due to Australian grain companies seeking market share."
Could you put forth some actual evidence to support this? Or is this pure speculation on your part? I suspect it is the later.
"Production numbers alone do not make a valid argument." Says who? You? Do you really believe farmers grow more when there is less money on the table?
And lets take a look at Friday's closing new crop offerings.
In Manitoba, CWB Fixed Price Contract CWRS 13.5 = $6.25 CAD
Berthhold ND, new crop for off the combine delivery= $7.16 CAD (.8648)
That's 91 cents a bushel in favour of the open market for spring wheat. Now how's about winter wheat?
Manitoba, 1 CWRW = $4.79 CAD
Berthold, winter wheat = $5.89 CAD
A $1.10 per bushel towel slap in the nads for you board lovers.
"I am always amazed how individuals posting on Agriville state a position based on just one piece of data and then ignore everything else."
If you believe that you are so not paying attention dude. You also need to take a serious look in the mirror, and while you're at it, stop bringing speculations that you can't back up to a fact fight.
Over the long haul the rest of the world is exporting more wheat all the time while we are exporting less.
The average returns from the wheat board are always below the average open market price.
here's new crop
here's last year
Here's what this has cost western Canada over the last 5 years in spring wheat alone.
"I believe we are trying to sell wheat into a flat market."
Really? Are you sure? Because when I look at the April '09 US wheat associates supply and demand powerpoint presentation I get a different impression.
Slide 8 is interesting, lowest beginning stocks since 1978.
Slide 9 shows a pretty tight stocks to use ratio, yes it's a bit higher than last year but still incredibly tight.
And slide 29 shows that Global imports have been steadily increasing over the long term and dramatically over the short.
Now lets pretend that the market was flat(it's not, but lets pretend)Where is the evidence of the wheat boards 'clout', it's 'marketing power' and it's awesome market share? It shouldn't matter if the market is up, down or flat, if the wheat board were a superior marketer it would be able to get us higher returns than average open market returns. Which it hasn't, board returns are always below the open market average.
"What impact of the credit crunch and the reluctance of buyers to forward price and take delivery had on both crops?"
For all intents and purposes I would think it would be pretty much the same. Yet canola is moving like crazy and board crops are behind.
"I put forward the deregulation of the Australian market resulted in an early flood of wheat on the market due to Australian grain companies seeking market share."
Could you put forth some actual evidence to support this? Or is this pure speculation on your part? I suspect it is the later.
"Production numbers alone do not make a valid argument." Says who? You? Do you really believe farmers grow more when there is less money on the table?
And lets take a look at Friday's closing new crop offerings.
In Manitoba, CWB Fixed Price Contract CWRS 13.5 = $6.25 CAD
Berthhold ND, new crop for off the combine delivery= $7.16 CAD (.8648)
That's 91 cents a bushel in favour of the open market for spring wheat. Now how's about winter wheat?
Manitoba, 1 CWRW = $4.79 CAD
Berthold, winter wheat = $5.89 CAD
A $1.10 per bushel towel slap in the nads for you board lovers.
"I am always amazed how individuals posting on Agriville state a position based on just one piece of data and then ignore everything else."
If you believe that you are so not paying attention dude. You also need to take a serious look in the mirror, and while you're at it, stop bringing speculations that you can't back up to a fact fight.