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DynaGrow vs Foliars vs Soil Applied N

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    DynaGrow vs Foliars vs Soil Applied N

    If Foliar fert is so effective can I spray DynaGrow and water soluble urea with post emerge chemicle (herbicide and 1/2 rate fungicide) and replace some soil applied N?
    I applied hog manure on most fields last fall but have a couple small isolated pieces that didnt get any manure. I seeded them with seed placed P only and planned on broadcasting 46-0-0 but and wondering about foliar N?

    I think your combination would far more effective than 46. Just try to put it on before the 6 leaf - perferably 4 and you should see results within 72 hrs.


      what about split application of foliar N? 4 lbs with herbicide at 2 leaf and 4 lbs at 4-6 leaf with 1/2 rate fungicide.
      Any chance of burning the crop at such a young stage?
      My crop got ahead of me and I didnt get my postseed pre-emerge burnoff on some of it so I will be spraying at the 1 or 2 leaf stage with herbicide.


        Look up a product called N-Pact from Loveland, it's a slow release foliar that prevents leaf burn.


          Leaf burn usually happens when you try and put on more then 4 pound of N. After getting some sleep i would suggest applying a started fertilizer if needed. I think the ration in Dynagro is like a 6-5-4-3 or something very close to that. Foliars never replace some banded fertilizer since you need it for emergence and the sulphur for next years crop. But if you go with the old N to yield ratio in wheat anyways is about 3 pound of N for every bushel you expect.Then for credits give your self 20 pound for every % of organic matter up to 4% and all your N in the ground to a depth of 24 inches. For example for a 70 bushel wheat crop you would need 210 pound of N . If you have 4% organic matter then you get a 80 lbs credit. If you have 50 pound in the ground then 80 50= 130. 130 - 210 = 80 lbs of n you would need to apply pretty easy. but you need that 0-6 and 6-24 soil sample to get the total . So if you added 3 pound of soluble N plus 1 litre of Dynagro you would only need maybe 25-30 lbs in the ground. And with the dynagro you can cut your herbicide 25% right off the get go and some claim as high as 50%. I think canola s N ratio is a bit lower i think 2.5 for every bushel. As well its a proven fact that 30-50% of N is lost in soil applied N. And adjust your water Ph to it's cheap to do pennies an acre. even on manure applied ground you should still be taken a tissue sample it cheap and very easy to do , do it yourself even . this will tell you if your plant has all it needs for the big push. Dynagro everything in it even micro's. get the tissue sample when scouting for weeds 2 leaf stage will do. turn around is quik and it costs maybe 25 bucks. If the plant is lacking ANYTHING it will effect yield and ablity to fight disease. That why some guys on the Dynagro quit using fungicides. i've heard many guys from other countries speak and they always point out problems in our canadian crops and they are due to lacking of some nutrient. I guess i back dynagro because i spent alot of time searching on whats in it and what i found is that it all works. There are other products out there but i haven't researched them.
          when you apply banded or broadcast fert you are at the mercy of mothernature as well and if you have a guy you thinks he can read your soil sample but is maybe to worried that he hasn;t sold enough fert to meet his quota then to much fert in the ground can also have negative effects. with foliars it's actually up to YOU when it is applied. And heres the BIG NEWS foliars price never goes high then low the prices usually stay the same. You can actually plan your costs pretty close and you don't have to pay for storage and blending charges ect.

          Now if putting all your fert down works for you stay with it ( had to say that to keep everyone happy)


            Pricing on dynagro is a very good point Ag guy.


              Not only DynaGro but most foliar's. Since foliar are a smaller market they are not subject to what is happening around the world. I'm not saying you should use completly foliars but they should be part of your nutrient package. And with most foliars you can see results very quikly even 48 hours and there are was to even see results in 4 hours. And another point what doesn't hit the plant goes onto the ground which will be absorbed up and be able to enter the plants that way. very little waste.


                Does DynaGro have a website? All my searches either bring up seed varieties or small scale hydroponics.

                Who carries it around Edmonton (NW)


                  Nobody in alberta carries it, I could likely get it for you or put you in touch of who can . you can also call the office on the website.
                  www.bioagronics.com I was out in alberta last year and saw a couple of guys about all the products. But its best to call the office.


                    You can email me at darren.soil@gmail.com and i can put you in touch whith the right people.


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